Member Resources

ACT2Resources Click here to access the resources if you are a member!

Our 'password protected' resources are specifically for ACT2 members. If you are not yet an ACT2 member, membership information can be found on our Membership Page

You will need to be signed in to your gmail/Google account when you visit. Please make sure you are logged into your Google account BEFORE clicking on the link above.

First time users will need to request access and we will set you up as quickly as possible.

(With classic Google sites you would get the option of requesting access if you didn't have it already. It appears that new Google sites no longer have that feature. You will probably get a 404 error code if your Google account is not linked to our group, or if you are not logged in to your Google account.)

Please send an email to if you are a member wanting access to our resources - be sure to include the email address of the account that you want to have access to the member resources.

We are still adding more resources :-)