Upcoming & Recent Meetings and Events

Canceled: Spring IRIG Meeting 

Hello IRIG Members,

I am sorry to say that due to low presentation submissions and sign-ups, we decided to cancel the spring IRIG meeting.

Filipa and I thoroughly enjoyed the fall meeting where valuable, new knowledge, centered on visual information, was shared and discussed. Additionally, it was a pleasure meeting new people in the field. Hopefully in the fall, there will be renewed energy and we will have a robust turnout. I look forward to future opportunities to share our work and connect on projects.

A new Convener for IRIG will be posted soon.


Sarah Huber

Save the Date: ACRL IRIG Spring 2023 Virtual Meeting Thursday, May 4, 10 - 11:15 am EST


The ACRL Image Resources Interest Group (IRIG) provides a forum for ongoing discussion of the unique issues presented by the development and support of interdisciplinary image resources in academic libraries. Our annual spring meeting will be held virtually on May 4, 10-11:15  EST via Zoom. All are welcome to attend and participate!

Meeting Agenda & Registration Info

Register for the meeting by using this registration link. The meeting Agenda will be posted to the ACRL IRIG website as lighting talks are finalized. Agenda items will include updates from Sarah Huber (Convener) and Filipa Rodriquez (Incoming Convener) and list of lightning talks. 

Call for Lightning Talk Proposals

We are seeking proposals for informal lightning talks for our Spring Virtual Meeting. Lightning talks are limited to 10 minutes (plus time for Q&A) and are open to all aspects of working with image resources, especially those with a focus on visual literacy and open-access image collections. Presentations on projects in the beginning stages or on research in progress are welcome. Please send a short description of your talk, along with your name, title, and affiliation to huber47@purdue.edu by end of day April 14, 2023. We will make notifications about acceptances by April 24, 2023. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

We look forward to hearing a variety of projects and creative efforts!

ACRL IRIG Fall 2022 Virtual Meeting Agenda- Thursday, October 27th at 10 - 11:00 am EST


Our Fall Image Resources Interest Group (IRIG) meeting is this Thursday October 27, 10-11  EST via Zoom. All are welcome to attend and participate. We have a fantastic lineup speakers. We look forward to hearing presentations and having some great discussions around them. See you soon!

Registration Info

Register for the meeting by using this registration link.

Meeting Agenda 

Erin Laverick

Professor of English and Assistant Vice President of Academics

Concordia University Ann Arbor

Title: "Using a Common Rubric to Assess Visual Literacy"

Maggie Murphy

Visual Art & Humanities Librarian

University of North Carolina, Greensboro


Jenny Dale

Head of ResearchOutreach and Instruction

University of North Carolina, Greensboro 

Title: "Hallo-memes & Hallo-zines"

Wendy Guerra

Assistant Professor

Digital Initiatives Archivist

University of Nebraska, Omaha

Title: "Working around our CMS: Providing access to 78,000 images when "digitize everything" is the goal"

Bethann Zani Rea

Digital Collections Management Librarian - Preservation, Conservation, and Digitization

Penn State University Libraries

Title: "Building Access to Oral History Collections"


ACRL IRIG Fall 2022 Virtual Meeting - Thursday, October 27th at 10 - 11:00 am EST

Meeting Agenda & Registration Info

Register for the meeting by using this registration link. The meeting Agenda will be posted to the ACRL IRIG website as lighting talks are finalized. Agenda items will include updates from Sarah Huber (Convener) and Filipa Rodrigues (Incoming Convener), plans for 2022-2023, and list of lightning talks.

ACRL IRIG Spring Virtual Meeting - Thursday, May 12th at 1 - 2:00 pm EST


IRIG Business Meeting (1pm-1:10pm)

Visual Literacy Task Force Update (1:10pm-1:15pm)

Lightening Round Talks (1:15-2pm)

Description: In this session, we will introduce a recent research project that investigates teacher candidates’ awareness and ability to apply critical visual literacy when looking at picture books. Critical visual literacy is a set of skills allowing one to “investigate the sociocultural contexts of visual texts to illuminate power relations” (Kim, H. Y., & Serrano, A., 2017). The Teaching and Learning Librarian, Fine Arts Librarian, and Elementary Art Education Professor collaborated to develop an activity wherein sophomore elementary education students closely read the picture book “Milo Imagines the World” by Matt De La Peña and illustrated by Christian Robinson. The students developed questions to critically analyze the book’s illustrations and then chose their perceived strongest three questions to answer. Attendees will hear about the preliminary findings of this research and what it may indicate regarding the preparedness of educators to use image resources such as picture books.

Heather Dalal, Instruction & Emerging Technologies Librarian, Rider University

Description: Teaching Visual Literacy to the Theatre Design Student

In theatre design disciplines, students and practitioners perform visual research using historical sources to ensure their designs are as historically accurate and relevant as possible. This lightning talk will discuss how a Theatre Design Professor and Librarian collaborate to prepare students to use diverse sources to seek appropriate images to use as research for scenic, props or costume design, as well as teaching students to hone their “eye” when it comes to discerning relevant research images. They will share their preliminary research from their study used to track students’ progress and development of research skills throughout the spring semester.

Presenters:Roberta (Robin) Sullivan Teaching & Learning Strategist Education Services University Libraries, University at Buffalo


Description: Discover the State University of New York’s “Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success.” This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) which is paired with a publically accessible WIKI, is an open-access resource targeted toward a diverse group of learners, including college students, faculty, and anyone from across the globe with an interest to learn how to use freely-available established and emerging tools, technologies, and resources to succeed in today’s rapidly changing environment. Through SUNY EmTech, participants gain an understanding of the value and implications of using technology tools and resources for career and personal advancement in a framework of lifelong learning strategies and the 4Cs of 21st-century skills; communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. 


In this session, we will highlight the resources in the Photos and Images category. The crowd-sourced WIKI contains many freely available image repositories and photo editing tools. We will also highlight the OER category that includes resources that teach about Creative Commons licensing as well as housing many OER collections. We will invite attendees to add resources to the WIKI to continue to grow this socially curated collection.


Visit the project website to learn more: http://suny.edu/emtech  

ACRL IRIG Summer Virtual Meeting - Thursday, June 17 at 2 - 3:15 pm CT


IRIG Business Meeting (2 pm to 2:10 pm) 

Visual Literacy Task Force update (2:10 pm to 2:25 pm) 

Lightning Round (2:25 pm to 3:10 pm) - Community Notes/Q&A doc: https://go.uncg.edu/irig-notes; recording: https://youtu.be/QPiFVdytBKM 

Announcements (3:10 pm to 3:15 pm)

ACRL IRIG Winter Business Meeting - Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Link to slides


ACRL IRIG Discussion Forum at ALA Midwinter - Sunday, January 24, 2021

Link to slides and notes


Potential topics for discussion include techniques for discovering and organizing recommendations for open-access image collections, expanding the visibility of existing institutional visual resources, and handling copyright/fair use questions for both digitized and born-digital visual media. This forum will be moderated by IRIG incoming convener Jackie Fleming. Attendees must be registered for ALA Midwinter. 

ACRL IRIG June Discussion Forum - Mon. June 29, 2020

Link to meeting recording


Students (and sometimes faculty) often need guidance on how Creative Commons licensing works. This talk walks us through both the content and process used to teach Creative Commons in the virtual environment. Includes a demonstration of how to set up and implement assessment of these teaching sessions. 

John Burns, Electronic Resources Librarian and Science, Art & Mechanical Engineering Librarian, Dixie State University 

Katie Greer, Associate Professor and Fine & Performing Arts Librarian, Oakland University

Maggie Murphy, Assistant Professor and Visual Art & Humanities Librarian, University of North Carolina Greensboro

Dana Thompson, Assistant Professor and Research & Instruction Librarian, Murray State University 

-welcome to new Convener and new Incoming Convener 

Previous meetings

 ACRL IRIG Midwinter Virtual Meeting - Tues. January 21, 2020

Link to meeting recording


Lynn Connaway, Director of User Research, OCLC, and        

Julie Garrison, Dean of Libraries, University of Western Michigan  

Tiffany Saulter, Accessibility Consultant, Deque Systems, and

Sara Schumacher, Architecture Image Librarian, Texas Tech University 

Mirabile Visu is a digital collection featuring 300 images of artistic depictions from Vergil's Aeneid, using metadata from cultural heritage institutions and compiled using Omeka and Tableau. This talk explores the development of this project, its potential uses and future goals.

Adriana Cásarez, Diversity Resident Librarian, University of Texas at Austin 

Dr. Farmer’s Fake News Lib Guide provides links to visual literacy tools and sources to discern faked images. She will share a few techniques and learning activities.

Dr. Lesley S. J. Farmer, Professor of Library Media, California State University Long Beach


Business meeting

-request for feedback about deaccessioning/digitizing a former Slide Library slide collection 

Jackie Fleming, Visual Literacy and Resources Librarian, Indiana University

-updating ACRL-IRIG Digital Images Collections Guide:  https://acrl.libguides.com/irig/digitalimagescollectionsguide 

-upcoming in spring: Incoming Convener 2020-2021 - volunteer opportunity

-plans for our next meeting: requested a meeting time for ACRL-IRIG at ALA Annual 2020


Presentation slides from the June 2019 IRIG virtual meeting

Millicent Fullmer, University of San Diego and Stephanie Beene, University of New Mexico gave a presentation, highlighting the work of the task force to update the Visual Literacy Standards 

Our meeting included three lightning round presentations. Links to the presentation slides are available below:

 IRIG virtual meeting - June 12, 2019

2:00 pm Eastern

Register in advance for this meeting: https://ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/9b84696f3f88aa514ac87b605f06faf5

The meeting begin with a short business meeting, followed by an update from Millicent Fullmer and Stephanie Beene, on the work to update the Visual Literacy Standards, completing with three lightning round talks. 

Task force update

Since its formation in February 2018 by the Image Resources Interest Group (IRIG), ​T​he Association for College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Visual Literacy Task Force will present a status report on its progress. The report will provide information on the task force members and the charge from the ACRL Board to update the original 2011 ​ACRL​ ​Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education​ to align them with the 2016​ ​ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education​. 

Millicent Fullmer, Acquisitions and Cataloging Librarian 

University of San Diego

Stephanie Beene, Fine Arts Librarian for Art, Architecture & Planning

University of New Mexico 


Lighting round talks:

Uplifting memes:

Maggie Murphy, First-Year Instruction and Humanities Librarian

Jenny Dale, Information literacy coordinator 

University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Demystifying Aesthetic Vocabulary: The Right Words for Image Evaluation:

Nicole Fox, Research and Instruction Librarian

Belmont University

Visual literacy instruction through graphic novels:

Dr. Lesley S. J. Farmer, Professor of Library Media, Teacher Librarian Program Coordinator and Literacy Project Manager

California State University, Long Beach


ACRL-IRIG Program at ALA in Orlando, June 25th, 2016

HILTON Orlando, Room Lake George

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

PDF - ACRL-IRIG Program at ALA in Orlando (<-- Click Here)



Note: The main ALA conference location is at Orange County Convention Center. This meeting will take place at the Lake George Room in the Hilton Orlando next to the Convention Center (one of the co-HQ hotels). While it is walkable, Hilton advises that we take the shuttle from the convention center, which runs every 10-15 minutes. (See location and shuttle information in the PDF above.)


The meeting will begin with lightning round talks from the following presenters:


Collaborating Across Departments for Image Metadata


The Digital Projects & Preservation Department and the Discovery Enhancement Department, each within the Technical Services Division of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library, have collaborated to ensure that metadata is embedded in image-based collections in the institutional repository. Our initial project is nearly complete and now we have begun a second. The first project utilized freeware so that staff members in Discovery Enhancement, who did not have access to the Adobe Suite, could embed metadata and geographic coordinates.  Now that a campus-wide agreement has provided access to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, members of the team can apply metadata using presets based on a data dictionary.  The collaboration has allowed more content to be posted to the institutional repository and harnessed existing skill-sets in new ways.


Courtenay McLeland

Head, Digital Projects & Preservation

Curator, Library Art Collection

Thomas G. Carpenter Library

University of North Florida


Sculpting Visual-Literate Spaces and Learners


What do you envision when you hear “learning space”? Do you see a traditional classroom with rows of tables and chairs facing a board? But how does this work to promote visual literacy, or function when you don’t have the space for a classroom? Visual literacy requires more than seeing an image or video on a large screen, it requires collaboration and touch in today’s digital age. Two librarians sought to break from tradition and create accommodating learning spaces that promote visual literacies. Learn the good, the bad, and the ugly they encountered while breaking down the traditional classroom and incorporating mobile and interactive technologies aligned with visual literacy pedagogies.


Tiffany Baglier

Assistant Head, Education Library

George A. Smathers Libraries

University of Florida





Business meeting (Please email additions to the agenda to Stephen.Patton@indstate.edu)


2016/2017 Convener:

Jasmine Burns, Image Technologies and Visual Literacy Librarian and Interim Head of the Fine Arts Library at Indiana University Bloomington. Jasmine has been at IU since August 2015, where she manages and curates the Fine Arts Library’s interdisciplinary image collections for teaching and research. She also serves as the Director of the Art Librarianship Program, Secretary to the Executive Board of the Visual Resources Association, and Vice-Moderator to the Visual Resources Division of ARLIS.


What is the charge for the 2016-2017 convener?


The group’s founding purpose is “To provide a forum for ongoing discussion of the unique issues presented by the development and support of interdisciplinary image resources in academic libraries.”


Volunteer for Incoming Convener for 2016-2017. This person will transition to Convener for the 2017-2018 year.


Volunteer for Listserv/Website Administrator: This is an important communication role. We are looking for a volunteer to serve during the coming year.


Do we have too many methods of communication?


Online Spaces:

ACRL IRIG google site



ACRL IRIG landing page (http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/resources/leadership/interestgrps/acr-igir.cfm)


ACRL IRIG wiki (http://wikis.ala.org/acrl/index.php/IRIG)


email listserv (acrl-ir@ala.org)

To subscribe, please go to the ALA Mailing List Service at http://lists.ala.org/sympa/info/acrl-ir.

Listserv archives are available at http://lists.ala.org/sympa/arc/acrl-ir.


ALA Connect (http://connect.ala.org/node/78932)

Log in to post and join.


Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/acrlirig)

ACRL-IRIG Meeting at ALA in Las Vegas, June 28, 2014

Las Vegas Convention Center (N101)


The meeting will begin with lightning round talks from the following presenters:

Courtney Baron, University of Georgia

“Institutional Repositories: Powerful Tools to Preserve MFA Work”

Nicole LaMoreaux, LIM College

“Beneath the Fold: The Value of Women’s Wear Daily (WWD) Archive and Vogue Archive within an Academic Library”

Ann Medaille, University of Nevada, Reno

“Learning Visual Literacy Skills through Digital Story Creation”

Stephen Patton, Indiana State University

“MDID or Don’t”

Jenna Rinalducci, George Mason University

“Tactile Texts: Transforming Artist Books for the Online Environment”

Tiffany Saulter, Indiana University Bloomington

“Image as Record: The Zine Collection at the Fine Arts Library”

Krista White, Rutgers University

“Digital Imaging Specifications and the Management of Digital Storage Needs”

Following the presentations, members of the Visual Literacy Task Force will provide an update on the Visual Literacy Standards.

ACRL-IRIG Program at ALA in Chicago, June 29th, 2013

McCormick Place Convention Center (N427a)

1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Success Stories and Challenges: How Librarians are Employing Fair Use with Their Code

Creators of the ARL Fair Use Code describe the achievements and challenges of employing the ARL Code, including innovative ways that librarians have implemented the code, common reactions and obstacles, and the latest legislation. Next, the workshop examines the educational use of images, including the VRA Fair Use Statement, and a Code being developed by the College Art Association on image use in scholarly publications and on the creation and exhibition of new artistic works.


Brandon Butler, J.D., Director of Public Policy Initiatives, ARL 

Kevin Smith, J.D., Director of Copyright and Scholarly Communications, Duke University