Teacher Assured Competencies

7 Pathways in Practice

(for posters see bottom of page)

Safe and Effective Learning Environment

Choice and Comfort: Provides learners with a variety of learning space choices based on task-based and physical comfort-based needs while supporting learners to alter and use spaces to initiate and accomplish collaborative and individual work as they use multiple communication tools and contemporary technologies; student learning products demonstrate student choices in curriculum, task, technologies, and media.

Instructional Tolerance: Supports a learning environment where active, engaged learners routinely choose from a variety of learning spaces, collaborative and individual activities, and technology tools, including their own personal devices; values students having opportunities to learn best practices essential to entering contemporary learning and work environments and enables students to sustain an open mindset and skillset in the use of evolving technology tools.

Knowledge of Students:

Universal Design for Learning/Individualization of Learning: Uses alternative representations of information, multiple tools, and a variety of instructional strategies to provide access for all learners to acquire lifelong learning competencies and knowledge and skills specified in curricular standards; creates a classroom culture that fully embraces differentiation of instruction, student work, and assessment based upon individual learners’ needs; applies contemporary learning science to create accessibility entry points for all students in the learning environment; supports students to learn how to make technology choices to overcome disabilities and inabilities.

Planning, Delivery, and Assessment of Instruction:

Maker Curriculum: Understands and values student construction of knowledge and skills through the processes of imagining, creating, designing, building, engineering, evaluating and communicating learning represented within multiple intelligences theory (Howard Gardner.)

Project/Problem/Passion-Based Learning: Affords learning opportunities for students to construct knowledge and understanding through responses to authentic problems; to create projects that demonstrate higher order thinking and knowledge acquisition, and to pursue personal interests by supporting choices in project media as well as differentiated pathways to both learn and demonstrate lifelong learning competencies.

Interactive Technologies: Creates an open environment in which students make individual choices as they use technologies to develop classroom work and assignments; provides opportunities for students to actively make tech-based products as part of their study of curriculum and regularly, during instructional time as well as to interact with external experts and students in other communities; build learner competencies in the use of contemporary technologies for information access and communication.

Connectivity: Develops and uses activities that engage students in learning networks, including asynchronous and synchronous communication with external experts, access to digital content including primary sources, and interaction with other learners both locally and globally who represent a variety of demographically diverse communities; promotes and values collaborative projects and knowledge development representative of principles of digital literacy and effective, appropriate digital citizenship.

Collaboration and Communication:

Connectivity: Uses interactive contemporary technology tools that provide two-way communication with students, families, and community: including routinely updated teacher webpages, integration of digital blogging, micro-blogging, and online video, and online student work presentation, which models effective, appropriate and responsible communication in this century.


Connectivity: Actively participates in online community professional learning opportunities: collects, reads, assesses, and shares contemporary learning and brain research: engages in appropriate contemporary online communication inside and outside the division.

Seven Pathways Posters may be downloaded below...