Call for Papers

The workshop is broad in scope and invites original research contributions on topics that include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Incorporating linguistic insights: syntax, alignment, reordering, etc.

    • Combining NMT & SMT

    • Handling resource-limited domains

    • Utilizing more data in NMT: monolingual, multilingual resources

    • Multi-task learning for NMT

    • NMT for mobile devices

    • Analysis and visualization of NMT models

    • Beyond sentence-level translation

    • Beyond maximum-likelihood estimation

    • Neural Machine Generation


We are soliciting submissions in three categories of papers: full workshop submissions, extended abstracts, and cross-submissions. All submissions will be made through Softconf (

Full Workshop Paper

Authors should submit a long paper of up to 8 pages, with up to 2 additional pages for references, following the ACL 2017 formatting requirements (see the ACL 2017 Call For Papers for reference: The reported research should be original work. All papers will be presented as posters, and a few selected papers may also be presented orally at the discretion of the committee. All accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings, which will be archived by the ACL Anthology ( Papers in this track should be anonymized.

Best Paper Awards

From the submitted full workshop papers, between zero and two papers will be selected for best paper awards at the discretion of the program committee.

Extended Abstracts

Preliminary ideas or results may also be submitted as extended abstracts, with a length of 2 to 4 pages plus references. Similarly to full papers, these abstracts will follow the ACL formatting requirements, be submitted through Softconf, and be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters, but not be included in the workshop proceedings. Abstracts in this track should be anonymized, and should put "This is a submission to the extended abstract track." at the end of the abstract submitted to softconf (it does not need to be noted in the paper itself).


We also accept cross-submissions that have already been published or presented in other venues for consideration as poster presentations, which will allow authors who have presented at other venues to discuss with and get feedback from NMT researchers. These submissions will not appear in the proceedings, and there is no restriction on the format of the submissions (in other words, it is OK to submit a paper from a different venue as-is). The papers in this track will be submitted through softconf to the cross-submission track and reviewed by the program committee. Papers in this track do not need to be anonymized, and should put "This is a submission to the cross-submission track, presented at [name of other venue]." at the end of the abstract submitted to softconf (it does not need to be noted in the paper itself).


All Deadlines are 11:59 PM Pacific time.

    • Deadline for paper submission: Friday April 21, 2017

    • Notification of acceptance: Friday May 19, 2017

    • Camera ready submission due: Friday May 26, 2017

    • Early registration deadline (ACL'17): TBD

    • Workshop: August 4, 2017