
Physics 236

Textbook: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, second edition, Author: David Griffiths.

Course Policy: There will be two quizzes and one final exam. The allocation of the grades will be

20% for each quiz, 20% for the homeworks and 40% for the final.



Homework 1: 1.9, 2.1, 2.5, 2.13, 2.15, 2.21, 2.34. Date due: Friday, March 6.

Homework 2: 3.5, 3.10, 3.11, 3.15, 3.18 (for problem 3.11 classical domain means maximum

momentum is when kinetic energy equal energy of ground state). Date due Friday March 20.



Trial Quiz: p236q12008.pdf

Homework 3: page 129 problems 4, 7, 11, page 145 problems 9, 10, page 145 problems 9, 10


Solutions to quiz 1 qmq1.pdf

problemsetperturbation.pdf problems 2, 3, 6, 7, 13 due May 11.

Electromagnetic field in Quantum Mechanics EMinQM.pdf