
"Fair Trade, Labor Markets and Women’s Economic Empowerment in Ethiopia"

Baseline Data: June - August 2015

Midline Data: April - June 2016

Endline Data: December 2016 - January 2017

This project was funded by IZA/DFID Growth and Labor Markets in Low Income Countries.

More information available at Carleton University News

"Fair Trade, Productivity and Economic Shocks: Evidence from Coffee Producers in Peru"

I gathered administrative and household survey data about agriculture prices and practices, Fair Trade, and wellbeing of households in rural Piura, Peru. The fieldwork took place in November - December 2014.

This project was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

"Preventing Dengue through Mobile Phones: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Peru"

Together with Jose Galdo (Carleton) and Virgilio Galdo (World Bank), I investigated whether cell phones were effective at increasing preventive measures against dengue in Piura, Peru. The fieldwork took place in 2009-2010.

This project was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.

"ICT, Job-Search, and Informality: A Randomized Social Experiment for Disadvantaged Youth in Peru"

Together with Jose Galdo (Carleton) and Virgilio Galdo (World Bank), I investigated whether cell phones were effective at increasing job market efficiency among disadvantaged youth in Lima. The fieldwork took place in 2009-2010. This project was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.

The information about the Peruvian Labor Intermediation Office is available at

"Fair Trade, Child Labor and Schooling: Evidence from Coffee Farmers in Rural Peru"

I traveled to several coffee cooperatives in Piura and Chanchamayo (Peru) to do preliminary work on the conditions of farmers and their households. This fieldwork took place in 2009.

This project was funded by theAssociation of Universities and Colleges of Canada - LACREG.

More information is available at

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