Work in progress

Ackermann, K., Angus, S.D. and Raschky, P.A., 2020. Estimating Sleep & Work Hours from Alternative Data by Segmented Functional Classification Analysis (SFCA). arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.08102.. (Reject and Resubmit at Annals of Applied Statistics ) [arXiv]

  • A new data-set and method for functional data analysis with applications to sleep and work time estimation

Ackermann, Klaus. "Limiting the market for information as a tool of governance: Evidence from Russia." Melbourne, Australia: Monash University working paper (2020). [Download]

  • A investigation into internet censorship in Russia and election results

Greenstein, S. and Ackermann, K., 2018. The State of Open Source Server Software (No. 55073). tech. rep., Harvard University, 2018. [HBS]

  • The study assembles new data to construct a census of worldwide web server use across the globe. We find that open-source software adaption is not primarily driven by income factors, rather than by the skill of the workforce.