The aim of my teaching activity is to help students achieve their best, on an academic level as well as in their personal development. In my opinion, the success of a teacher is reflected in the success of his/her students. My teaching is generally focused on the comprehension of the fundamental concepts of a knowledge domain. Accumulation of knowledge, as opposed to a deeper understanding, is also important, but secondary. Good teaching allows students to tap into the experience and expertise of the lecturer, and empowers them to apply and extend their knowledge with confidence. It requires good preparation by the teacher, and should leverage the best possible learning resources. I am enthusiastic about the topics that I teach and try to share this enthusiasm with the students. My research activity helps me to keep a fresh and practically relevant perspective. I believe that a teacher carries an important social responsibility.

    • Introduction to Programming Using Python.

    • Object-Oriented Programming I.

    • Principles of Software Engineering.

    • Software Process Models.

    • Web Development.

    • Software Construction.

    • Software Testing & Validation.

    • Software Requirements Engineering.