Android Instructions

Main List View

Top bar shows:

    • Height and time of previous tide
    • Current tide hight (red for falling, green for rising)
    • Height and time of next tide

Each list entry shows:

    • Date
    • Maximum tidal range for that day
    • Full or new moon indicator
    • All high and low tides for that day

Drag your finger vertically to scroll within the year. and tap 'Today' to zoom to today

Tap on an entry to open the chart view

Tap 'Weather' to view the current inshore weather forecast (requires internet connection)

Tap 'Port' to change to another port or year

Menu Options:

Press the menu button to access the following features:

  • Download more data packs
  • Toggle Daylight Savings time.

Chart View

Chart shows:

    • Tidal curve for that day
    • High and low tides on silver background
    • Selected tide on gold background and green crosshair
    • Current tide with red line
    • The highest and lowest tides between the current time and the selected date/time

Change the tide selection by dragging the bar at the bottom of the screen

Drag your finger horizontally over the chart to switch days.

Return to the main view by pressing your phone's 'Back' button

Toolbar Options:

Press the menu button to access the following features:

  • Now moves the selection to the current tide
  • Settings -> Keel Depth. The tide selection shows an extra value to show the amount of tide below the keel.
  • Settings -> Tide Height Offset. Every value in the chart view is offset by this value.
  • The chart button changes the chart to show the times that the tide is at a specific height instead of the high and low times.
  • Streams button switches to the tidal stream view

Calibrating the chart to your current location:

  • Go to 'Offset Tide Heights' and adjust the offset until 'Current tide' matches your depth gauge. The chart's values will now be correct for your location.

Finding a safe tide height for anchoring:

  • Set the tide selection to the date and time that you wish to leave your anchorage.
  • Go to 'Offset Tide Heights' and adjust the the offset until 'Lowest tide' matches your lowest safe depth (include a safety margin according to local weather conditions).
  • 'Current Tide' now shows the minimum depth that you can anchor in.
  • 'Highest tide before selected time' now shows the deepest that 'Current Tide' will get during your stay.

Selecting a Port or Year

The port selection view displays all the available ports for the currently selected year in three different ways.:

1. Standard ports displays all standard ports and their secondary ports are displayed by pressing the down arrow.

2. In A-Z order with a search bar

3. The favourites view shows all ports that have been 'starred' and also the most recently used ports.

Change the year by tapping the year in the title bar.

Add your own custom secondary port by pressing the '+' button in the toolbar.

Configuring a Secondary Port - Advanced

Before you start, ensure that you have loaded your desired standard port.

    1. If our standard port heights differ from yours. Press "Edit Standard Port" to correct them.
    2. Press "Edit New Port" to name your port and enter its mean tide heights.
  1. Press "Edit HW" to set the high water times and time offsets.
  2. Press "Edit LW" to set the low water times and time offsets.

Note: The time offsets are in hour and minute format so 205 is 2 hours and 5 minutes.

Once all the data has been correctly entered, press "Create Secondary Port". The app will then calculate and store all the tide data for that year.

When this is complete you can either create another secondary port or return to the main view and switch to your new tidal data.