Unscientific science

TBC - this section is just draft notes at the moment/

it seems in this world we can be sure of two things, change and something that changes (monkey.)

point out

oddness of expecting the past to be there in perfect condition waiting for us to change it

the oddity of the idea that the past is created - a copy of everything every event created in an unknown way , stored unknown, powered , reason effect unknown...based on presumption ( unless give evidence to the opposite this is assumed -taken on without objection - to be true - this is not scientific - feed back to scientific Principle.

Consider 2 questions

1 - "If matter could just exist and interact - I.e not necessarily 'over a thing called time' - would this be enough to explain all that we observe and attribute to 'time'?"

2 - "Have you ever previously considered the question - If matter could just exist and interact - I.e not necessarily 'over a thing called time' - would this be enough to explain all that we observe and attribute to 'time'?"

The questions are clearly related, and the first question is the one that i think reveals that 'time' is not needed to explain all that we observe. In particular because time suggests that in addition to motion in the universe there is in some real sense a past, future and directional flow of some other thing 'time'. When looking at the first question many readers may quickly decide the answer is no.

the second question however is aimed at showing our possible predjuice towards taking on new concepts, or rejecting them out of hand before giving them real consideration.

TBC - sometimes we hold a point of view, then when asked a question 'attacking that point of view' our reaction is to try and find a defence to our original position, this is subtly different to proving a point on its own merits, - ie we construct the arguments afterwards )