Injury Lawyer in Trenton

Does Injury Lawyer In Trenton Lead To Premises Liability Claims In Slip And Fall Accidents?

Premises liability involves the area of the law that holds a real estate owner liable in case of an incident causing damage to another person that was using the property. A premise liability case comes under personal injury case. It also includes ‘trip and fall’ or ‘slip and fall’ accidents. When the owner of a property fails in maintaining the premises in a safe manner, the person who is hurt, can seek professional help from Injury Lawyer in Trenton to get justice.

Apart from slip and fall, it also involves barricaded or slippery floors, iced entrance ways, carbon monoxide leaks, hanging hazards, falling merchandise, falling debris, dimly lit staircase, broken sideway or roadway, dog bites, insufficient security measures leading to injuries or assaults, lead paint exposure, mesothelioma and asbestos exposure.

However, slip and fall accidents are the most common type of premises liability lawsuits. Such accidents are caused because of foods or substances, water, fruits, liquids, vegetables, slushes, oil or condiments kept on the floor. Sometimes, trip and fall accidents are caused because of uneven surfaces or broken floor.

These accidents usually occur in hospitals, banks, grocery stores, sidewalks, department stores, porches, entrance ways, driveways, supermarkets, and restaurants. Injury Lawyer in Trenton knows that any owner of the property including corporations, government entities, sole proprietorships, trusts, and partnerships who fails to take care of the premise can be held liable. Although, the victim is required to prove the premises negligence and liability. Injury Lawyer in Trenton understand that following are some factors that victims must consider:

• Whether the property owner has the policy of regularly checking the property for potential hazards?

• If the property has any potential risk, did he/she take any measures to fix it before the accident?

• If the precarious condition existed for a long time and if the property owner had enough time eliminate the hazard?

• Is there any reasonable justification for the slip & fall accident?

• Whether the hazardous condition is made less dangerous by taking preventive measures like placing a signage of hazard in that area?

Plaintiffs can get economic and non-economic damages in a slip & fall injury case. Economic damages include medical expenses, doctor bills, cost of surgeries, cost of in-home assistance, X-ray bills, etc. Besides, the plaintiff can also recover compensation for the lost wages/income. The non-economic damages involve damages for pain & sufferings, lack of life enjoyment and emotional trauma.

If you are injured in a trip and fall accident, you must consider a legal claim and discuss it with Injury Lawyer in Trenton. You must do this sooner, after the accident as there is limitation involved in an injury lawsuit. Additionally, insurance companies are not your friend and you will need a qualified attorney to fight your case. For more information visit Our Website