Abinit Workshop 2013 - Practical information

important dates


Registration fees

Accomodation and transportation




The "ABINIT Developer Workshop 2013" will begin at 12:00 on Monday April, 15 at the "Manoir de la Vicomté", Dinard (see "Location" tab).

A lunch will be served. The first presentation (welcome) should begin at 14:00.

The "ABINIT Developer Workshop 2013" will end at 13:00 on Thursday April, 18 (after the lunch).

The participants will be housed at the "Manoir de la Vicomté" in single or double rooms.

An outing is scheduled in late afternoon on wednesday 17 (as well as a dinner) in the old city of Saint-Malo.

Registration fees

The registration fees are

  • 250,00 euros if you choose a double room
  • 300,00 euros if you choose a single room

The workshop is mainly on personal invitation and is limited to about 60 people.The number of single rooms is limited (less than 40).

The registration fees cover lectures, accomodation (3 nights from April, 15 to April, 18) and full board, as well as the evening in St-Malo.

Prior payment of registration fees is required to participate to the workshop (before March, 15).

Payment has to be done by bank transfer to the following bank account:




IBAN: FR76 3000 4008 1800 0121 8911 027


RIB: 30004 00818 00012189110 27

Please include the following in the wording of the transfer (mandatory !):

"WORKSHOP-ABINIT-DPTA" + name of the participant

Accomodation and transportation

The workshop will be held at:

Manoir de la Vicomte

6 avenue Georges Pian

35800 Dinard, France

Tél : +33(0)2 99 46 12 59

You can reach the workshop location:

Confirmed : shuttle transfers will be arranged to transport participants from St-Malo station and Rennes airport (see below).

    • By car:
    • See the map below (use your favorite GPS or Application for itinerary).
    • By train and public transportation:
    • Reach by train the station of Saint-Malo. It is served by the "TGV" (Train à Grande Vitesse=High Speed Train).
      • From Paris, on April 15 : arrival at 10:30, 10:46 and 13:05
      • From Grenoble, Lyon or Brussels, on April 15 : arrival at 13:05
    • Then take the regular bus line 16A from station "Saint-Malo - Gare TGV" to stop "Dinard - La Bodinais".
    • Informations for this bus line are available here; direct link to timetable (one bus every hour; journey 25 min.). The ticket cost between 3 and 4 euros.
    • From bus stop ("La Bodinais"), take Avenue Albert Caquot in the direction of increasing numbers (to the south), then left to Avenue Georges Pian.
    • Important information : in France, it is mandatory to reserve the TGV tickets in advance !
    • By train and taxi:
    • From Saint-Malo station, ask the driver to go to Dinard, avenue Georges Pian.
    • By plane, train and bus:
    • Reach Rennes Brittany Airport.
    • Then take the bus (line 57) from stop "Aire Libre Airport" to stop "Republique"; then take the métro (line a) to stop "Gares" (total 30 min.); see Rennes Public Transportation website (french).
    • Then take the train to Saint-Malo (journey: 50 min. to 1 hour).
    • And follow the instructions given above ("Train and public transportation") to reach the workshop location by bus.
    • By plane (direct):
    • Note that their is a direct link between England and Dinard by plane operated by Raynair; see website.
    • The airport is "Dinard Pleurtuit St-Malo" (DNR).
    • Unfortunately, there no flight on monday morning (neither on sunday).

You can leave the workshop location:

    • By car.
    • By train and public transportation.
  • By taxi then train.
    • etc...
    • Follow the above intructions backwards...


Stay connected... subject to (slight) modification...

  • On monday April 15:

A shuttle will take participants at St-Malo station at 11:00 am (TGV at 10:46)

A shuttle will take participants at St-Malo station at 13:15 am (TGV at 13:05)

A shuttle will take participants at Rennes airport at 11:00 am (flight from Paris at 10:45, from Lyon at 10:10) (cancelled because no one needs it)

  • On thursday April 18:

Shuttles will also be proposed to St-Malo station and Rennes airport.


    • Contact the organisers by e-mail, by phone : +33 1 69 26 74 63 (B. Amadon)
    • During the conference (from Sunday April 14), you can send a email to the organizers (abinit.workshop.2013 AT gmail DOT com)
    • The messages will arrive on a mobile phone.
