
Peer-Reviewed Journals:

  1. Pai, A. K., Karunakar, A. K., & Raghavendra, U. (2020, August). Scene-Independent Motion Pattern Segmentation in Crowded Video Scenes Using Spatio-Angular Density-Based Clustering. In IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 145984-145994 (Impact Factor: 3.745) [Code]

  2. Pai, A.K., Chandrahasan, P., Raghavendra, U., Karunakar, A. K. (2022, January). Motion pattern-based crowd scene classification using histogram of angular deviations of trajectories. In The Visual Computer, Springer (Impact Factor: 2.601)

  3. Barik, A.K., Pavithran, S., Mithun, N., Pai, M.V., Upadhya, R., Lukose, J., Pai, A. K., Pai, K. and and Chidangil, S.(2022, March). Laser induced fluorescence of cervical tissues: an in-vitro study for the diagnosis of cervical cancer from the cervicitis. Journal of Optics, IOP Publishers, 24(5), p.054002.(Impact Factor: 2.516).

  4. Akshatha, K.R., Karunakar, A.K., Shenoy, S.B., Pai, A.K., Nagaraj, N.H. and Rohatgi, S.S. (2022, April). Human Detection in Aerial Thermal Images Using Faster R-CNN and SSD Algorithms. Electronics, MDPI 11(7), p.1151 (Impact Factor: 2.408).

  5. Barik, A.K., Pavithran, S., Mithun, N., Pai, M.V., Upadhya, R., Pai, A. K., Lukose, J. and Chidangil, S (2022, June). A micro-Raman spectroscopy study of inflammatory condition of human cervix: Probing of Tissues and blood plasma samples. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, Elsevier, p.102948. (Impact Factor: 3.631).


  1. Pai, A. K., Karunakar, A. K., & Raghavendra, U. (2017, August). A Novel Crowd Density Estimation Technique using Local Binary Pattern and Gabor Features. In 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS) 2017, Lecce, Italy (Core Conference Portal Rank: B)