Linear Algebra (MTH113M)

      (i)  Abhijit Pal, Office : FB 551,  email :,  Phone : 0512-2596405

     (ii) Arijit Ganguly,  Office :  FB 581,  email :,  Phone : 0512-2594769

                                     Sections A, B : 10-11 am,    Sections  C,D : 4-5 pm

                                     Venue : L18 (Dr. Abhijit Pal), L19 (Dr. Arijit Ganguly)

         (i)   E. Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics,

         (ii)  Lecture Notes by Prof. P. Shunmugraj,

         (iii)   G. Strang: Linear Algebra and its applications

         (iv)  A. Ramachandra Rao, P Bhimasankaram, Linear Algebra : 19 (Texts and Readings in Mathematics) 

        (v)  S.Kumaresan, Linear Algebra : A Geometric Approach

        (vi) K.Hoffman, R.Kunze, Linear Algebra

        (vii) Lecture Note by Late Prof. Arbind Lal 

 Tutors and Tutorial Schedule :

All the tutorials will be taken on Tuesday