Long Term Productivity


The Long Term Productivity project is a database curated and updated yearly by Gilbert Cette, Rémy Lecat and myself. The dataset currently contains yearly estimates of GDP per capita, Labour productivity and Total Factor Productivity for 23 countries.

Note: the following papers have been written as part of the Long Term Productivity Project with Gilbert Cette and Rémy Lecat.

The role of production factor quality and technology diffusion in 20th century productivity growth - Cliometrica - Volume. 12(1), pp 61-97 (2018).

Total Factor Productivity in Advanced Countries: A Long-term Perspective - International Productivity Monitor - Volume. 32, pp 6-24 (2017).

Productivity Trends in Advanced Countries between 1890 and 2012 - Review of Income and Wealth - Volume 62(3), pp 420–444 (2016).

Convergence of GDP per Capita in Advanced Countries over the 20th Century - Empirical Economics - Volume 52, pp 2509–2526 (2020).

The circular relationship between productivity growth and real interest rates - Banque de France working paper 734