Published and Accepted Papers

Hassle Costs Versus Information:  How Do Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Reduce Opioid Prescribing?” (with Sarah Dykstra and Mireille Jacobson), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 16(1): 87-123, 2024. [Published Version] 

Prescription Drug Advertising and Drug Utilization: The Role of Medicare Part D" (with Darius Lakdawalla and Neeraj Sood), Journal of Public Economics, 221: 104860, 2023. [Published Version] Knowledge@Wharton

"Why Does the Inflation Reduction Act Exclude Expensive Cancer Treatments in Price Negotiations?" (with Danea Horn, Mark Duggan, and Mireille Jacobson), Journal of Clinical Oncology: Oncology Practice, 2023. [Published Version]

“Biosimilar Competition and Payments in Medicare: The Case of Trastuzumab” (with Danea Horn, Mark Duggan, Nicolas Garcia, and Mireille Jacobson), Journal of Clinical Oncology: Oncology Practice, 2023. [Published Version]

"Origins of the Opioid Crisis and Its Enduring Impacts" (with Bill Evans, Ethan Lieber, David Powell), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(2): 1139-1179, 2022. [Published Version] Coverage: NBER Digest, New York Times, The EconomistThe Atlantic, The Journalist's Resource, Marketplace, Gladwell Revisionist History, Empire of Pain

Estimating Intensive and Extensive Tax Responsiveness: Do Older Workers Respond to Taxes?" (with David Powell), Economic Inquiry, 58(4): 1855-1873, 2020. [Published Version]

“A Transitioning Epidemic: How the Opioid Crisis is Driving the Rise in Hepatitis C” (with David Powell and Rosalie Pacula), Health Affairs, 39(2): 287-294, 2019. [Published Version] Coverage: STAT News, U.S. News & World Report

“Impact of Oncology Drug Shortages on Chemotherapy Treatment” (with Mireille Jacobson) Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 106(2): 415-421, 2019. [Published Version]

"Supply-Side Drug Policy in the Presence of Substitutes: Evidence from the Introduction of Abuse-Deterrent Opioids," (with David Powell and Rosalie Pacula), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 10(4): 1-35, 2018. [Published Version] Coverage: New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, The Daily Beast, The Journalist's Resource

"Effects of Payment Reform in More versus Less Competitive Markets" (with Neeraj Sood, Kayleigh Barnes, Peter Huckfeldt, Jose Escarce), Journal of Health Economics, 51: 66-83, 2017. [Published Version]

“Evaluating the Role of Payment Policy in Driving Vertical Integration in the Oncology Market” (with Helen Hsi and Mireille Jacobson), Health Affairs, 36(4): 680-688, 2017. [Published Version]

The Anticipatory Effects of Medicare Part D on Drug Utilization,” Journal of Health Economics, 49: 28-45, 2016. [Published Version]

“How Will Provider-Focused Payment Reform Impact Geographic Variation in Medicare Spending?” (with David Auerbach, Ateev Mehrotra, Peter Hussey, Peter Huckfeldt, Christopher Lau, and Victoria Shier), American Journal of Managed Care, 21(6), 2015. [Published Version]

“Post-acute Referral Patterns for Hospitals and Implications for Bundled Payment Initiatives.” (with Christopher Lau, Abby Alpert, Peter Huckfeldt, Peter Hussey, David Auerbach, Hangsheng Liu, Neeraj Sood, and Ateev Mehrotra), Healthcare, 2(3): 190-195, 2014. [Published Version]

Perverse Reverse Price Competition: Average Wholesale Prices and Medicaid Pharmaceutical Spending,” (with Mark Duggan and Judith K. Hellerstein), Journal of Public Economics, 108: 44-62, 2013. [Published Version] NBER Digest

“Giving EMS Flexibility in Transporting Low-Acuity Patients Could Generate Substantial Medicare Savings,” (with Kristy Morganti, Gregg Margolis, Jeffrey Wasserman, and Arthur Kellermann), Health Affairs, 32(12): 2142-2148, 2013. [Published Version]

“Should Payment Policy be Changed to Allow a Wider Range of EMS Transport Options?” (with Kristy Morganti, Gregg Margolis, Jeffrey Wasserman, and Arthur Kellermann), Annals of Emergency Medicine, 63(5): 615-626, 2013. [Published Version]

“The State of Innovative Emergency Medical Service Programs in the United States,” (with Kristy Morganti, Gregg Margolis, Jeffrey Wasserman, and Arthur Kellermann), Prehospital Emergency Care, 18(1): 76-85, 2013. [Published Version]

“A Socioeconomic Profile of Older Adults with HIV,” (with Geoffrey Joyce, Dana Goldman, Arleen Leibowitz, and Yuhua Bao), Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 16: 19-28, 2005. 

Working Papers

Disadvantaging Rivals: Vertical Integration in the Pharmaceutical Market,” 2023 (with Charles Gray and Neeraj Sood), R&R at American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

Opioid Use and Employment Outcomes: Evidence from the U.S. Military,” 2024 (with Steve Schwab and Ben Ukert)


The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising on Outpatient Care Utilization,” 2022 (with Matthew Eisenberg, Brendan Rabideau, Rosemary Avery, Jeff Niederdeppe, Neeraj Sood)


Technology, Monopoly, and the Decline of the Viatical Settlements Industry.”  2005. NBER Working Paper No. 11164.  (with Neeraj Sood and Jay Bhattacharya)