
Should Wages be Subsidized in a Pandemic? with Nam Phan, Macroeconomic Dynamics (Accepted)

Permanent Income Inequality with Giovanni Gallipoli, Quantitative Economics (In Press)

Incomplete Markets and Parental Investments in Children Review of Economic Dynamics (2022)

Has Consumption Inequality Mirrored Wealth Inequality in the Survey of Consumer Finances? with Robin Brace, Economics Letters (2020)

Human Capital Inequality: Empirical Evidence. with Giovanni Gallipoli, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (2020).

Education Policy and Intergenerational Transfers in Equilibrium with Gallipoli, Meghir and Violante, Journal of Political Economy (2019).

Human Capital Spillovers and the Geography of Intergenerational Mobility with Giovanni Gallipoli (2017). Review of Economic Dynamics

Can Domestication of Wildlife Lead to Conservation: The Economics of Tiger Farming in China (2011). Ecological Economics 70(4). (With Kees van Kooten)

 Mountain Pine Beetle, Global Markets and the B.C. Forest Economy (2009). Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(7). (With Kees van Kooten and Brad Stennes)

 An Updated Assessment of the Lucas Supply Curve and the Inflation-Output Trade-off (2008). Economics Letters 101(3). (with Christina Martinez)