Xtra ...

KITP program on Thermodynamics of Quantum Systems (link)

Advanced School on Foundations and Applications of Nanomechanics | (smr 3147)

Lecture notes and video @ school

Workshop on Quantum Science and Quantum Technologies | (smr 3183)

Talks and video @ the workshop

Advanced School and Workshop on Quantum Science and Quantum Technologies | (smr 3145)

Lectures @ the school

Hereaus seminar on Non-Markovianity and strong coupling effect in thermodynamics, Bad Honnef, April 2017

Presentations by Jarzynski and others..

Winter school, Finland 2015

winter school on physics of small quantum systems

Quantum lectures on youtube

Prof. V. Balakrishnan, Department of Physics, IIT Madras

Lecture Script: Introduction to Computational Quantum Mechanics [arXiv paper]

Good mathematics (undergraduate) notes

Paul's Online Maths Notes

Brain drain

Kosloff webpage

Ben Simon

Kirk McDonald page

Conference blog

ICTP conference on strongly correlated systems 2010

International Symposium on Quantum Dynamics of Nano-Structured Systems (QDNS '12), Ausburg

conference pictures

Joint ICTP-TWAS Workshop on Entrepreneurship for Physicists and Engineers from Developing Countries 2012

Jens Notes

Review articles on superconductivity

Zehetmayer, SST 2013

Statistical physics lecture note
