The astronomer's job is to observe, describe and explain objects in space. Astronomy is a scientific study of objects in space.

Sometimes you may ask your self what is Astronomy, ''what does it have to do with anything''. Well astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects such as moons, planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies. It helps you understand the moon that you see at night, the planets that orbit around your sun, the stars that help make the night sky shine in beauty, and the great Milky Way that all of moons, planets, stars living in it. And Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences.

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List of astronomers from over the world

This is a list of scientists and scholars from over the world who lived in all time periods, In some cases, their exact ancestry is unclear.





Absorption Lines

Thin dark lines across a spectrum which indicate the presence of chemical element in the light source.

Accretion Disk

A structure formed by material being drawn into a rapidly rotating black hole.


A lump of rock orbiting the sun. Most asteroids are found in a narrow belt situated between Mars and Jupiter.


A scientific study of objects in space.


Layer of gases surrounding a planet, moon, or star.

Axis (of spin)

An imaginary line through a rotating object, around which the object rotates.

Big Bang

The explosion that created the universe about 15 billion years ago.

Big Crunch

One possible future end for the universe-the big bang in reverse.

Black hole

An infinitely dense object formed initially by the collapse of a massive star. The gravity of a black hole is so strong that not even light can escape from it.

Celestial Equator

A projection of Earth’s equator out into space, used as a baseline for positioning stars.

Celestial pole

Projection of Earths north or South Pole into space, for use as a reference point.

Celestial sphere

The appearance of the stars from Earth- as though they were set into a black sphere around the planet.


The Sun’s inner atmosphere.


A grouping of stars or galaxies held by gravity.


An object composed of snow and dust that orbits the sun. If a comets approaches the sun it forms a tail of gas and dust particles.


A grouping of bright stars seen in Earth’s sky. In most cases the grouping is a trick of perspective and the stars are a long way apart


Sharing an orbital path with another object.


The central region of a planet, star, or galaxy.


The sun's outer atmosphere.


Circular depression in the surface of a planet or a moon caused by a meteorite impact.


The surface layer of a rock planet or moon.


The effect produced when one object in space passes in front of another and obscures it.


The sun's apparent path around the celestial sphere during a year.


The path of a space probe that obtains information by flying past, or orbiting, a moon or planet.


A large grouping of stars held together by gravity. Galaxies can be spiral, elliptical (oval) , or irregular in shape.


An attractive force that is a property of mass.

Light year

The distance traveled by light in one year -used to measure distance between stars and galaxies.