QM1.1: The Free Particle - Continuous States

QM1.2: The Free Particle - Analyzing the Solutions

QM1.3: The Free Particle - Are continuous states physical?

QM1.4: The Free Particle - A Gaussian Wave Packet

QM1.5: The Free Particle - Calculating our wave packet

QM2.1: Potential Step E ≥ V₀ - Solving the Schrödinger Equ.

QM2.2: Potential Step E ≥ V₀ - Description of Plane Waves

QM2.3: Potential Step E ≥ V₀ - Probability Current Density

QM2.4: Potential Step E ≥ V₀ - Calculating R and T

QM2.5: Potential Step E ≥ V₀ - Explaining Quantum Behavior

QM2.6: Potential Step E ≤ V₀ - Particle-like gets stopped

QM2.7: Potential Step E ≤ V₀ - The strange evanescent wave

QM3.1: Infinite Square Well - Deriving discrete energy value

QM3.2: Infinite Square Well - What is zero-point energy?

QM3.3: Infinite Square Well - Unusual probability densities

QM4.1: Potential Barrier E ≥ V - The scattering problem

QM4.2: Potential Barrier E ≥ V - Ratio transmitted particles

QM4.3: Potential Barrier E ≥ V - Energy values and Resonance

QM4.4: Potential Barrier E ≥ V - Full transmission of part.

QM5.1: Tunneling - Setting the situation

QM5.2: Tunneling - Deciphering the wave-like particle

QM5.3: Tunneling - Penetrating the potential barrier

QM5.4: Tunneling - Further analysis of T

QM5.5: Tunneling - The WKB approximation method

QM6.1: Finite Square Well E ≥ V₀ - Introduction

QM6.2: Finite Square Well E ≥ V₀ - Unphysical Solutions

QM6.3: Finite Square Well E ≥ V₀ - Fourier transform revisit

QM6.4: Finite Square Well E ≤ V₀ - Outside the well

QM6.5: Finite Square Well E ≤ V₀ - Anti/symmetric solutions

QM6.6: Finite Square Well E ≤ V₀ - Boundary conditions

QM6.7: Finite Square Well E ≤ V₀ - A graphical solution

QM6.8: Finite Square Well E ≤ V₀ - Discrete energy specturm