About me

I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of Economics at the University College London Social Research Institute (UCL SRI) in London, a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics of the HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (KRTK KTI) in Budapest, and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and the Global Labor Organization (GLO).

I completed my PhD in Economics at the Central European University (CEU) with a focus on education economics and program evaluation. I use state-of-the-art microeconometric methods and large-scale survey and administrative data to look at the causal effects of education policy, intergenerational educational mobility (in particular, first in family university graduates), gender gaps in education and the labor market, non-cognitive skills, fertility, and the effects of economic and social shocks on women and the next generations. I have published in several Labor Economics journals, including the Journal of Population Economics, Economics of Education Review, Labour Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, World Medical & Health Policy, Oxford Review of Education, and  Education Economics

I have been regularly invited to review articles for high-ranked academic journals (e.g. European Sociological Review, Education Economics, The Manchester School, Journal of Public Economics, British Educational Research Journal, Health Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Social Science and Medicine) and PhD theses. 

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