
Weekly 2 M Net

Weekly ARES directed nets for  training and information are on Sundays at 2000 local time on the 146.805+ 107.2 repeater in Millersville.  Traffic in Radiogram format from the Baltimore Traffic Net (BTN) is passed for training purposes.  You do not have to be an ARES member to check into the net.

Monthly COMMEX

AAC ARES COMMEXs are on 2nd Tuesdays 1930 - 2030 local time, except in Jun, July, Aug, and Dec.  The COMMEXs are conducted using directed nets on the 146.805- 107.2 repeater in Millersville, and Winlink station is used.  Instruction is given on the repeater on the use of Radiograms, which are practiced on the air.  You do not have to be an ARES member to check into the ARES COMMEX net.

Monthly HF Net

The HF net is on 4th Tuesdays.  The default start time is  1930 local time.  40 or 80 meters may be used.  Actual start times and frequencies are announced on the weekly 2M net that precedes the HF net.

The net begins using SSB phone and afterwards switches to digital modes.   Check ins may participate in the SSB or digital portion, or both.  Net control will use the call sign W3AAC.  The 146.805- 107.2 Millersville repeater is used for coordinating the freqs to be used during the net, so monitor it at the same time if you can.  You do not have to be an ARES member to check into the HF net.