
Brownies offers fun, challenge and adventure to any member. Although the Brownies may not realise, prior to any activity or event a lot of preparation is done to ensure the Brownies can thrive in safe surroundings and enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities.

We have clear safety guidelines issued by Girlguiding UK which we follow. We also have our own Leader qualifications and training. All leaders undergo criminal records disclosures which two references and an informal discussion with a local Commissioner – a member of guiding responsible for the management of adults involved in guiding.


Girlguiding has a strict safety and safeguarding policy which can be easily accessed via www.girlguiding.org.uk. The below statement and information is extracted from this information to summarise the Girlguiding UK policy:

It is the policy of Girlguiding to make every effort to safeguard its members from physical, sexual and emotional harm while participating in guiding activities. The Guide Association takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through relevant procedures and training, children, young people and adults taking part in guiding activities do so in a safe environment.

If you have any concerns about a young member or a volunteer, or if you require any safeguarding advice please contact Girlguiding's Safeguarding Officer: safeguarding@girlguiding.org.uk or 0207 834 6242

If you have an urgent safeguarding concern outside of office working hours (9-5 Mon-Fri) please call the Volunteer Support emergency number: 07508 032997