
Welcome to the 6th Headington Brownies

We are a friendly and lively Brownie Unit in Headington. We have varied meetings, indoors, outdoors, visiting different places - each term varies depending on what the Brownies choose. We take Brownies from all over, regardless of post code or school, as long as they are between 7 - 10 years old they are very welcome to come along.

Meeting Details

We meet every Tuesday from 5.45 - 7pm during term time. We meet in Collinwood Road URC Church, Risinghurst, OX3 8HW.

What do we do?

The Brownie Programme has been updated and all the information can be found here 


The Brownies lead the programme and over the course of their time will gradually collect various badges and achievements. Some of the most recent popular evenings have been...

Parachute Night

 Pendulum Painting

Bubble Wands

Cinnamon Swirls

Paper Chase 

Teddy Bears Picnic

See our Gallery for Photos of some of our activities

What do the Brownies wear?

The Brownie can choose what to wear from the Guiding Shop. Most wear brown trousers/shorts, a Brownie T-Shirt and the Brownie Jacket. We do have some second hand uniform for sale as a unit. Please speak to one of the leaders if you are interested.

How much does it cost?

Brownies costs £25 a term, this covers hall rental fees, insurance and all activities. It also allows us to subsidize Pack Holiday to around £25. 

Do they work in groups?

Our Brownies are organised into four groups, known as sixes - Foxes, Squirrels, Moles and Rabbits. Within each group is an older Brownie who is responsible for the group known as the Sixer, and a deputy, the Second. Brownies can also be 'Brownie Buddies', helping new Brownies settle into the Unit.