The Basics

Science Notebook Guidelines

Scientists use notebooks in the ways listed below:

  • Write down information and questions
  • Record data from investigations
  • Make drawings of investigations
  • Make graphs, tables, and charts to organize information
  • Reflect on experiences and identify new concepts

The following rules will help you create an interesting and informative notebook to show what you have experienced and learned in science:

  • Write or print neat and legibly
  • Title and date each entry to help remind you of the topic
  • Keep a table of contents
  • Number the pages
  • Erase mistake or mark through them with one line- do not scribble or scratch out
  • Label all drawings clearly
  • Use sentences to communicate your observations, plans, explanations, and conclusions
  • Create a 'resources' section (optional)
  • Create a glossary
  • Do not tear out pages from your science notebook

Some sentence starters you may want to try:

  • I wonder...
  • I was really surprised when...
  • This relates to...
  • What if...
  • This reminds me of...
  • Could the outcome be changed if...
  • I expect to see...

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