
1.Peer-reviewed articles

Matthew Carlson and Masaki Nakabayashi,  "Factions and the redistributive effects of reform in Japan," Political Studies Review, 2024. Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, "Vertical separation revisited," The Singapore Economic Review, 2023. Open access:

Taiyo Fukai, Keisuke Kawata and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Updated beliefs and shaken confidence: Evidence from vaccine hesitancy caused by experiencing "COVID arm," BMC Infectious Diseases, 23, 2023. Open access:

Kenneth McElwain,  Keisuke Kawata and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Narrative premiums in policy persuasion," Political Psychology, 45(2) 383-405, 2024.  Open access:

Aigerim Zhangaliyeva and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Legacy of the Czar: Complementarity between Education and Work in Russia," Journal of Applied Economics, 26(1), 2023. Open Access:

Keisuke Kawata and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Persistent mind: The effects of information provision on policy preferences," Journal of Policy Modeling, 45(3), 522-537, May–June 2023. Open access: 

Matthew Carlson and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Political reforms and the funding of parties in Japan: 1955-2020," Democratization, 30(2), 2023, pp. 195-214. Open access: 

Takashi Iida, Keisuke Kawata and Masaki Nakabayashi,  "The citizen preferences-positive externality trade-off: A survey study of COVID-19 vaccine deployment in Japan," SSM - Population Health, 19, 2022 . Open access: 

Keisuke Kawata and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine preference: A survey study in Japan," SSM - Population Health, 15, 2021. Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, Kyoji Fukao, Masanori Takashima and Naofumi Nakamura. "Property systems and economic growth in Japan, 730-1874," Social Science Japan Journal, 23(2), pp.147–184, Summer 2020. Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, "From family security to the welfare state: Path dependency of social security on the difference in legal origins," Economic Modelling, 82, pp.280-293, November 2019. Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, "Ownership structure and market efficiency: Stockholder/manager conflicts at the dawn of Japanese capitalism," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 61, pp.189-212, July 2019: Open access: The dataset is available in the online version.

Yu Mandai and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Stabilize the peasant economy: Governance of foreclosure by the shogunate," Journal of Policy Modeling, 40(2), pp.305-327, March-April 2018. Open Access: The dataset is available in the online version.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “From the substance to the shadow: The role of the court in Japanese labour markets,” The Economic History Review, 71(1), pp.267-289, February 2018: Open access: An English translation of the relevant articles of the relevant acts of the Japanese law is available in the online version.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Contained crisis and socialized risk: Unconventional monetary policy by the Bank of Japan in the 1890s,” Research in International Business and Finance, 40, pp.231-241, April 2017: Open access: The dataset is available in the online version. 

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Honesty, diligence and skill: Risk sharing and specialization in the Kiryu silk weaving cluster, Japan,” Review of Development Economics, 21(4), pp.1401-1424, November 2017: Open access:  The dataset is available in the online version.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Imposed efficiency of treaty ports: Japanese industrialization and western imperialist institutions,” Review of Development Economics, 18(2), pp.254-271, May 2014: Open access: The dataset is included in the discussion paper version:

Arimoto, Yutaka, Tetsuji Okazaki and Masaki Nakabayashi, “Agrarian land tenancy in prewar Japan: Contract choice and implications on productivity,” The Developing Economies, 48(3), pp.293-318, September 2010: Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “The rise of the modern silk reeling industry and financial institutions: The formation of the institution of providing advances on documentary bills,” Japanese Yearbook on Business History, 18, pp.119-139, December 2001: Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Daikibo seishi kojo no seiritsu to amerika shijo: Goshi Okaya Seishi Gaisha ni okeru keiei hatten to shohyo no seiritsu (The formation of large silk reeling factories and the United States market: The growth of a firm and the establishment of its brand in the case of Okaya Silk Reeling Co.),” Shakai Keizai Shigaku (Socio-Economic History), vol. 66, no. 6, pp.605-626, 718, March 2001 (in Japanese):  Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Sanshi gyo saihenki ni okeru seishi keiei: Keiei hatten to kin'yu seido (The silk manufacturers' association during the reorganization of the silk industry: The management of a business and financial institutions),” Keiei Shigaku (Japan Business History Review), 35(1), pp.1-29, June 2000 (in Japanese): Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Seishigyo ni okeru kojo no torihiki seido (The institutions of trades for the dealing of female workers),” Rekishigaku Kenkyu (Journal of Historical Studies), no. 734, pp.17-33, March 2000 (in Japanese).

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Seishigyo ni okeru roshi kankei no keisei (The formation of the industrial relations of the silk reeling industry),” Shigaku-Zasshi (The Journal of History), vol. 108, no. 6, pp.1-43, June 1999 (in Japanese): Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Kikai seishigyo bokkoki ni okeru 'nigawase tatekaekin' kyokyu seido no keisei (Formation of the institutions of 'advances on documentary bills' during the rise of the silk reeling industry),” Keiei Shigaku (Japan Business History Review), 33(4) pp.52-80, March 1999 (in Japanese): Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “'Tokyu chinginsei' no kakuritsu: Suwa seishigyo ni okeru yuin taikei (The establishment of the rank order wage system: the incentive system of the silk reeling industry in the Suwa district),” Shakai Keizai Shigaku (Socio-Economic History Review), vol. 64, no. 6, pp.58-89, March 1999 (in Japanese). Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Seishi shihon no bokko: Sanshigyo saihenki no kaimeisha (The rise of the silk reeling industry: Kaimeisha in the period of the reorganization of sericulture),” Tochi Seido Shigaku (The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History), no. 150, pp.18-37, January 1996 (in Japanese): Open access:

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Sanshigyo no saihen to kokusai shijo: 1882-1886 (The reorganization of sericulture and the international market: 1882-1886),” Tochi Seido Shigaku (The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History), no. 145, pp.1-20, October 1994  (in Japanese): Open access:

Masaki Nakabayash, “Seishi shihon bokkoki no kin'yu (The financial system during the rise of the silk reeling industry),” Shigaku-Zasshi (The Journal of History), 103(4), pp.36-78, April 1994 (in Japanese): Open access:


2.Other articles

Masaki Nakabayashi, "Cumulative Adverse Mental Health Outcomes After Concurrent Disasters—Social, Scientific, and Policy-Making Implications,"  JAMA Netw Open,  2022;5(6):e2217260: Open access:  

Susumu Cato and Masaki Nakabayashi, "A rehabilitation of the institutional approach to Japanese economic history: Introduction to the special issue," Social Science Japan Journal, 23(2), Summer 2020, 137–145.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Long-term trends of employment: A historical review,” Nihon Rodo Kenkyu Zasshi (The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies), 683, pp.53-63, June 2017. (in Japanese) Open Access.

Masak Nakabayashi, “Wages and positions of workers at Kamaishi Iron Works: an interim report,” Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu (Journal of Social Science), 61(5-6), pp.55-65, March 2011.(in Japanese). Open access.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “An organization of production tied with an institution of market: Institutional complementarity in the silk reeling industry,” Osaka Daigaku Keizaigaku (Osaka Economic Papers), vol.54, no. 3, pp.434-449, December 2004.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Kinsei Setonaikai ni okeru gyojo yoeki keitai ni kansuru ichi kosatsu: Bicchu Manabejima no gogyo to gyojo: Fishery rights on the Seto Inland See in the early modern period: Fishery and fishing grounds of the Manabejima island of Domain of Bicchu),” Ronshu Kinsei (Jounal of Early Modern History), no.18, pp.25-56, May 1996. (in Japanese)


3.Discussion papers

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Self-fulfilling Distortion and Ownership Structure: At the Dawn of the Japanese Capitalism,” ISS Discussion Paper Series F-181, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, September 2016.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “From the substance to the shadow: The court embedded into Japanese labor markets,” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-168, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, February 2014.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Structural disposal and cyclical adjustment: Non-performing loans, structural transition, and regulatory reform in Japan, 1997-2011,” co-authored with Toshiki Kawashima, ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-167, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, February 2014.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Honesty, diligence, and skill: Risk sharing and specialization in the Kiryu silk weaving cluster, Japan,” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-166, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, December 2013.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Accelerated rise and distorted vigor: Unconventional interventions into an emerging market of Japan,” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-165, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, November 2013.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Price, Quality, and Organization: Branding in the Japanese silk-reeling industry,” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-160, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, April 2012.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “School, firm, and family: Emergence of the Japanese internal labor market,” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-157, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, September 2011.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Schooling, employer learning, and the internal labor market bias: Wage dynamics and human capital investment in the Japanese steel industry, 1930-1960s,”    ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-153, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, March 2011.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Institutions and economic development of early modern Japan,” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-146, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, June 2009.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “The governance of trade in the labor market: An experience of the Japanese silk-reeling industry in the early twentieth century,” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-145, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, June 2009.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Peasant economy in the 'debate on Japanese capitalism': Tenancy contract facing the ‘Turning point',” ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-144, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, March 2009.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Imposed Efficiency of the Treaty Port: Japanese Industrialization and Western Imperialist Institutions,”ISS Discussion Paper Series, F-142, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo,  November 2008.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Rise of the Japanese fiscal state,” Discussion Papers in Economics And Business, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, 

08–12, March 2008.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Peasant economy in the 'debate on Japanese capitalism': Tenancy contract facing the 'Turning point',” Discussion Papers in Economics And Business, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, March 2008.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Speed of the price and efficiency of the concession the treaty port market in Japan's industrialization,” Discussion Papers in Economics and Business, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), OsakaUniversity, March 2008.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Flexibility and diversity: the putting-out system in the silk fabric industry,” Discussion Papers in Economics and Business, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, 06-10, April 2006.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Hedonic prices and multitask incentives,” Discussion Papers in Economics and Business, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, 05-032, December 2005.

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Ton'ya sei no hattatsu to shuseki no rieki: Kiryu kinuorimonogyo no seisan soshiki   (Expansion of putting out system and the benefit of agglomeration: Production organization of Kiryu silk weaving industry),” Chiba University Economics Working Paper Series, #00E026, October 2000.  (in Japanese)

Masaki Nakabayashi, “Seishigyo ni okeru kojo no torihiki seido: Suwa Seishi Domei no setsuritsu ni kansuru kosatsu (Institution of governance in the female labor market: Establishment of the Suwa League of Silk Reeling Manufacturers),” Chiba University Economics Working Paper Series, #99E023, May 1999.  (in Japanese)