
Zen: “the way to inner peace”.

Zazen: seated meditation;

-sit down ( straight);

- breathe in,

- breathe out :counting the breath.

-If there emerge a thought;see it, don´t hold-on ,let her go;

“Like a cloud gliding in a blue sky”.

Zazen is considered the heart of Zen practice. The aim of zazen is just sitting, "opening the hand of thought", that is, suspending all judgmental thinking and letting words, ideas, images and thoughts pass by without getting involved in them.

Breathing in Zazen:counting the breath, counting each inhalation and each exhalation, beginning with one and counting up to ten. When you get to ten, come back to one and start all over. The only agreement that you make with yourself in this process is that if your mind begins to wander - if you become aware that what you're doing is chasing thoughts - you will look at the thought, acknowledge it, and then deliberately and consciously let it go and begin the count again at one.
