Updated (ONE MORE TIME AGAIN) Software and Updated Homework Deadline

Post date: Nov 02, 2012 4:36:20 AM

Homework deadline: Midnight on Tuesday, 13 November. (Changed from the preceding Sunday because I forgot about Monday being a holiday.)

I have fixed some MORE (and MORE 10/11) problems in Module 4 and the earlier modules. You can download the entire Windows and/or Mac Grammar folder and replace the software on your thumb drive entirely or you can download just the corrected Module 4 and replace it on your thumb drive; either way be sure not to delete your log file--which should have the name yourname.rev.

To replace the entire grammar folder(s):

The a corrected version of the software is zipped and available

for MacOS at https://dl.dropbox.com/u/43812702/255/English%20Grammar/MacOSX.zip

for Windows at https://dl.dropbox.com/u/43812702/255/English%20Grammar/Windows.zip

Download the zipped folders and double-click on the downloaded file to unzip folder. Then replace the folder on your zip drive with the updated folder.

To replace the single file:

The single file is available at https://dl.dropbox.com/u/43812702/255/English%20Grammar/more_about_noun_phrases.rev

Windows users: Just drop the downloaded file into the Windows folder in the English Grammar folder on your thumb drive. When your system asks you if you want to overwrite the already present file, say yes.

Mac users: Option-click or right click on English Grammar.app in your MacOS folder and then choose "Show Package Contents" from the menu that appears. When the Contents folder appears in your Finder, open it up and then drop the folder you just downloaded into the MacOS folder you will find there.