Available Parts
These parts are available (in limited quantity) in the supply locker or cabinet. Please ask one of the instructors to grab them for you.
Electronical Components
Wireless Communication (requires checkout)
- Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMirf Silver
- XBee Explorer Dongle
- XBee 1mW Chip Antenna
- RN-XV WiFly Module
- Controllers (requires checkout)
- IR Remote Control Kit
- Laser pointers
- PS2 Controller and Controller Cable
Displays (requires checkout)
- 8x2 Character LCD - Black Bezel (Parallel Interface)
- 16x2 Character LCD (Parallel Interface)
- 7-Segment Serial Display - Red
- 7-Segment Serial Display - Blue
- 7-Segment Serial Display - Yellow
- 7-Segment Serial Display - Green
- random assortment of 1-Segment Serial Displays
Power Supplies
- Battery holder for 4 AA cells
- 9V Battery Snap Connector
- LiPo Chargers with AC Adapter