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4 personal, org, gov, & co. use, even with DHT,

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This Mega Site can be freely used as 1 architecture model 4 a new

European Internet (from 2015), or for many new continental internets

during the 3rd decade of this Century, and in the further Far Future

societies of this Millennium ...

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32 entangled

The Human Scale of Future Cities

Megacities Sustainable City Developments

Green Cities Sustainable Future Cities +++

Tokyo Berlin Toronto Chicago Göteborg

Copenhagen Reykjavik Bogotá Rio in USA ...

Major Societal Changes with Big Climate Change

New Urbanism - Megapoles - New Social Groups -

SEA will conquer the Moon with the Chinese ?

Mega Demography, 10-30 Billion, +, Mega Migrations -

Malnutrition, Hunger, Poverty, Mass Famine Revolts -

New Dwelling, Housing, House, Villa, Home -

City centres - Collective Housing - Suburbs - Slum -

Home Improvement - DIY - Gardening - Home Cooking -

Parents, children, education -

Family, Ancestry, Genealogy -

Psycho Social Behaviour - Personality mapping -

Minorities - Social Inequality -

Social Pathology - Deviance - Criminality - Social Rehab -

Find out what's in your own DNA (prepare for surprises !) -

Find out what's in your girl/boy friend's DNA - DNA-RNA -

More about your personal DNA -

Working, Jobs, Employment, Home Jobs -

No more than 4 hours/day 4 days/week ? -

Life Quality - QOL - Way of Life -

Unemployment - Layoffs -

Transport - Goods - Vehicles - Future Cars - Motorcycles -

Future Autonomous Cars -

Google Car Autonomous B-driver S-park -

Transport Transportation - Collective Public -

Commuting - Long haul - AIRBUS-BOEING - Future Airports -

Roads - Air - Sea - Rail - VHSR by Stig Larsson & PAT -

Autobahn - Motorway - HighWay - Autoroute - Autopista ...

Travel -1- (2002) -2- -3- -4- -5- (2004-2008) - (2015) -

Future Travelling Trends - Reports - Rep -

Tourism Industry - Travel Insurance -

Overnight stays - Hotels - Restaurants - Catering - Food -

New Social Needs & Services ...

"with some new approach, points of view, opinions, & facts"

Something to think about ???


Poles melting in 2017, a threat to all Future human,

animal, vegetal, and biological Life on this Earth ???

Soon ??? A great danger now ( Red flag Apocalypse ),

or within 1000s of years ahead ???

What if worst case scenario becomes a reality ???

All Science data systems show abnormal increases

in CO2, CH4, N2O, especially methane gas, in the

atmosphere since 1980 ( Tasmania ) ( ESSD ) ???

CO2 and permafrost methane release, will kill all

living species, humans too ??? Fire ice -*- ???

Only some 1000s of humans will leave the earth

on space ships, but will not come very far ???

Only those changing to other temporarily

non-material life state, estate, form, nature ...,

will find, outside this Solar System,

( Solar system rotation, Galaxy rotation ),

a second, or several planet-like worlds, fit for

new lives systems, where they will be able to

shift back to some sorts of better biologic bodies ???

a 2nd Earth

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Probability Quantum Encryption Gencrypt DHT

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References : All these works, research results,

and public material mentioned on this page,

are directly linked to the names of their authors,

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

More info about these researchers and their works

at Google and other specialized Search Engines.

Anonymity info :

Onion routing

Tor (anonymity network)

Degree of anonymity

Cryptology ePrint Archive

Hash HashKeeper DHT ...

for a rather secure transmission of most scientific

written material and info, but NOT 100% !!!

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New internet systems on their way

At Google : Search for Google Special4u

Special4u Angelfire Pages & Texts

Top 100 sites by PAT at Angelfire

and many web creations originally written,

composed, & layouted by PAT from 1994

to 2014, are now managed by Olaricss

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