A complete list of my publications is available from this site. In most cases, the full text can also be downloaded. Please take into account the copyright notice below. Some of my publications are also listed on DBLP and Google Scholar.

Copyright notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be re-posted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


Pierre Sutra

Contributions to the Practice and Theory of State-Machine Replication

Habilitation à diriger des recherches

Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Jan. 2024 (thesis)

Fedor Ryabinin, Alexey Gotsman, Pierre Sutra

SwiftPaxos: Fast Geo-Replicated State Machines

NSDI'24: 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation

Santa Clara, USA, Apr. 2024 (paper, slides, video)


Pierre Sutra

The Weakest Failure Detector for Genuine Atomic Multicast

DISC'22: 36th International Symposium on Distributed Computing 

Augusta, USA, Oct. 2022 (preprint, long version, slides)

Zohir Bouzid, Pierre Sutra and Corentin Travers

Agreeing Within a Few Writes

Theoretical Computer Science (preprint)

Daniel Barcelona-Pons, Pierre Sutra, Marc Sánchez-Artigas, Gerard París, Pedro García-López

Stateful Serverless Computing with Crucial

ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology

(preprint, code, slides)

Pedro García-López, Marc Sánchez-Artigas, Simon Shillaker, Peter Pietzuch, David Breitgand, Gil Vernik, Pierre Sutra, Tristan Tarrant, Ana Juan-Ferrer, Gerard París 

Trade-Offs and Challenges of Serverless Data Analytics

Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value


Muktikanta Sa, Pierre Sutra

Efficient Resumable Filter Queries

NVM'22: 13th annual non-volatile memories workshop

San Diego, USA, May 2022 (abstract)


Ilyas Toumlilt, Pierre Sutra, Marc Shapiro

Highly-Available and Consistent Group Collaboration at the Edge with Colony

Middleware'21:  22nd International Middleware Conference

Online,  Dec. 2021 (preprint)

Aurèle Mahéo, Pierre Sutra, Tristan Tarrant

The Serverless Shell

Middleware'21:  22nd International Middleware Conference (industry track)

Online,  Dec. 2021 (preprint, slides, code)

Anatole Lefort, Yohan Pipereau, Kwabena Amponsem Boateng, Pierre Sutra, Gaël Thomas

J-NVM: Off-heap Persistent Objects in Java

SOSP'21:  28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles

Online,  Oct. 2021 (preprint, code,  slides, video)

Vitor Enes, Carlos Baquero, Alexey Gotsman, Pierre Sutra

Efficient Replication via Timestamp Stability

EuroSys'21 : Sixteen European Conference on Computer System

Online, Apr. 2021 (preprint, long version, code)


Tuanir França Rezende, Pierre Sutra

Leaderless State-Machine Replication: Specification, Properties, Limits

DISC'20: 34th International Symposium on Distributed Computing 

Online, Oct. 2020 (preprint, long version)

Vitor Enes, Carlos Baquero, Tuanir França Rezende, Alexey Gotsman, Matthieu Perrin, Pierre Sutra

State-machine replication for planet-scale systems

EuroSys'20 : Fifteenth European Conference on Computer System

Online, Apr. 2020 (preprint, long version,)

Pierre Sutra

On the correctness of Egalitarian Paxos

Information Processing Letters

Jan. 2020 (preprint, code, slides)


Daniel Barcelona-Pons, Marc Sánchez-Artigas, Gerard París, Pierre Sutra, Pedro García-López

On the FaaS Track: Building Stateful Distributed Applications with Serverless Architectures

Middleware'19:  20th International Middleware Conference

Davis, USA, Dec. 2019 (preprint)


Marc Shapiro, Pierre Sutra

Database consistency models

Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies

April 2018 (preprint)

Pierre Sutra, Patrick Marlier , Valerio Schiavoni, and François Trahay

Boosting Transactional Memory with Stricter Serializability

DisCoTec'18 : 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques

Madrid, Spain, June 2018 (preprint, code, slides)


Pierre Sutra, Etienne Rivière, Cristian Cotes, Marc Sánchez Artigas, Pedro Garcia Lopez, Emmanuel Bernard, William Burns and Galder Zamarreño

CRESON: Callable and Replicated Shared Objects over NoSQL

ICDCS'17 : 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems

Atlanta, USA, June 2017 (preprint, code, slides)

Zohir Bouzid, Pierre Sutra, Michel Raynal

Anonymous Obstruction-free (n,k)-Set Agreement with n−k+1 Atomic Read/Write Registers

Distributed Computing

May 2017 (preprint

Tuanir F. Rezende, Pierre Sutra, Rodrigo Q. Saramago, Lasaro Camargos

On Making Generalized Paxos Practical

AINA'17 : 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications

Taipei, Taiwan, March 2017 (preprint, slides)


Tarek Ahmed-Nacer, Pierre Sutra, Denis Conan

The Convoy Effect in Atomic Multicast

W-PSDS'16 : 4th Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems (w. SRDS'16)

Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 2016 (preprint, slides)


Zohir Bouzid, Michel Raynal and Pierre Sutra

Anonymous Obstruction-free (n,k)-Set Agreement with n − k + 1 Atomic Read/Write Registers

OPODIS'15 : 19th International Conference On the Principles of Distributed Systems

Rennes, France, Dec. 2015 (preprint, long version)

Zohir Bouzid, Michel Raynal and Pierre Sutra

Brief Announcement: Anonymous Obstruction-free (n,k)-Set Agreement with n − k + 1 Atomic Read/Write Registers

DISC'15 : 29th International Symposium on Distributed Computing

Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2015 (preprint)

Valerio Schiavoni, Etienne Rivière, Pierre Sutra, Pascal Felber, Flavio P. Junqueira, Miguel Matos and Rui Oliveira

TOPiCo: Detecting Most Frequent Items from Multiple High-Rate Event Streams

DEBS'15 : 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems

Oslo, Norway, Jun. 2015 (preprint)

Do Le Quoc, Christof Fetzer, Pierre Sutra, Valerio Schiavoni, Etienne Rivière and Pascal Felber 

UniCrawl: A Practical Geographically Distributed Web Crawler

CLOUD'15 : 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing

New York, USA, Jul. 2015 (preprint, code)

Pierre Sutra, Étienne Rivière and Pascal Felber

Construction universelle d’objets partagés sans connaissance des participants

ALGOTEL'15 : 17èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications 

Beaune, France, Jun. 2015 (preprint)


Pierre Sutra, Étienne Rivière and Pascal Felber

A Practical Distributed Universal Construction with Unknown Participants

OPODIS'14 : 18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems

Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, Dec. 2014. (preprint, slides, long version, code)

Masoud Saeida-Ardekani, Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro 

G-DUR: A Middleware for Assembling, Analyzing, and Improving Transactional Protocols

Middleware'14: 15th ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference

Bordeaux, France, Dec. 2014. (preprint, code)

Masoud Saeida-Ardekani, Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro

Exploring the spectrum of strongly-consistent transactional protocols

LADIS'14: 8th Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware

Cambridge, UK, Oct. 2014. (abstract)

Pascal Felber, Marcelo Pasin, Étienne Rivière, Valerio Schiavoni, Pierre Sutra, Fábio Coelho, Rui Oliveira, Miguel Matos and Ricardo Vilaça

On the Support of Versioning in Distributed Key-Value Stores

SRDS'14: The 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

Nara, Japan. Oct. 2014. (preprint, code)

Raluca Halalai, Pierre Sutra, Étienne Rivière and Pascal Felber

ZooFence: Principled Service Partitioning and Application to the ZooKeeper Coordination Service

SRDS'14: The 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

Nara, Japan. Oct. 2014. (preprint, code)

Patrick Marlier, Anita Sobe and Pierre Sutra

A Locality-Aware Software Transactional Memory

WTM'14: Euro-TM Workshop on Transactional Memory (w. EUROSYS'14)

Amsterdam, Netherlands, Apr. 2014. (abstract, slides, code)

Pierre Sutra

Construction universelle d'objets partagés au-dessus d'un entrepôt clé-valeur

ComPAS'14: Conférence en Parallélisme, Architecture et Systèmes

Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Apr. 2014. (preprint, slides)


Masoud Saeida Ardekani, Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro

Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation: scalable and strong consistency for geo-replicated transactional systems.

SRDS'13: 32nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

Braga, Portugal, Oct. 2013. (preprint, long version, code)

Masoud Saeida Ardekani, Pierre Sutra, Marc Shapiro and Nuno Preguiça

On the Scalability of Snapshot Isolation

EUROPAR'13: 19th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing

Aachen, Germany, Aug. 2013. (preprint)

José Valerio, Pierre Sutra, Etienne Rivière and Pascal Felber

Evaluating the Price of Consistency in Distributed File Storage Services

DAIS'13: The 13th International IFIP Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems

Florence, Italy. Jun. 2013. (preprint)


Masoud Saeida Ardekani, Marek Zawirski, Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro

The Space Complexity of Transactional Interactive Reads 

HotCDP'12: 1st International Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Data Processing (w. EUROSYS'12)

Bern, Switzerland, Apr. 2012. (preprint)


Marc Saeida Ardekani, Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro

The Impossibility of Ensuring Snapshot Isolation in Genuine Replicated STMs 

WTTM'11: 3rd Workshop on the Theory of Transactional Memory (w. DISC'11)

Roma, Italia, Sept. 2011 (abstract)

Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro

Fast Genuine Generalized Consensus 

SRDS'11: 30th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

Madrid, Spain, Oct. 2011. (preprint, slides, long version, code)

Zohir Bouzid, Pierre Sutra and Corentin Travers

Anonymous Agreement : the Janus Algorithm

OPODIS'11: 15th International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems

Toulouse, France, Dec. 2011. (preprint, long version)

Jonhatan Michaux, Pierre Sutra, Xavier Blanc and Marc Shapiro

A Semantically Rich Approach for Collaborative Model Edition

SAC'11: 26th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing 

Taichung, Taiwan, Feb. 2011 (preprint)

Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro

Résolution efficace du consensus généralisé dans les systèmes répartis par passage de messages 

ALGOTEL'11: 13èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications

Cap Estérel, France, May 2011 (preprint, slides)


Pierre Sutra

Efficient Protocols for Generalized Consensus and Partial Replication 

PhD Thesis

UPMC, Nov. 2010 (thesis)

Nicolas Schiper, Pierre Sutra and Fernando Pedone 

P-Store : Genuine Partial Replication in Wide Area Networks  

SRDS'10: 29th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

New Delhi, India, Oct. 2010 (preprint, code)


Nicolas Schiper, Pierre Sutra and Fernando Pedone 

Genuine versus Non-Genuine Atomic Multicast Protocols for Wide Area Networks : an Empirical Study

SRDS'09:  28th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems

Niagara Falls, U.S.A, Sept. 2009 (preprint)

Lamia Benmouffok, Jean-Michel Busca,  Joan Manuel Marquès, Marc Shapiro, Pierre Sutra and  Georgios Tsoukalas

Telex: A Semantic Platform for Cooperative Application Development

CFSE'09 : Conférence Française en Systèmes d'Exploitation

Toulouse, France, Sept. 2009 (preprint)


Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro 

Fault-Tolerant Partial Replication in Large-Scale Database Systems

EUROPAR'08: 14th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing

Las Palmas de Grand Canaria, Spain, Aug. 2008 (preprint, slides, long version)


Pierre Sutra, João Pedro Barreto and M. Shapiro 

Decentralised Commitment for Optimistic Semantic Replication 

COOPIS'07: 15th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems

Vilamoura, Portugal, Nov. 2007 (preprint, slides, long version)

Claudia Ignat, Gérard Oster, Pascal Molli, Cart Michèle, Jean Ferriè, Anne-Marie Kermarec, Pierre Sutra, Marc Shapiro, Lamia Benmouffok, Jean-Michel Busca and Rachid Guerraoui 

Comparison of Optimistic Approaches to Collaborative Editing of Wiki Pages

COLLABORATECOM'07: 3rd International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing

New York, USA, Nov. 2007 (preprint)

Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro 

Comparing Optimistic Database Replication Techniques

BDA'07: 23èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées

Marseille, France , Oct. 2007 (preprint, slides)