Young Hwi Kim


Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science, Yonsei University (March 2016 - February 2023)

B.S. in Computer Science, Yonsei University (March 2008 – February 2016)


A Sliding Window Scheme for Online Temporal Action Localization

Young Hwi Kim, Hyolim Kang, and Seon Joo Kim

ECCV 2022

[Paper] [Code]

2PESNet: Towards online processing of temporal action localization

Young Hwi Kim, Seonghyeon Nam, and Seon Joo Kim

Pattern Recognition, Volume 131, November 2022, 108871.

[Paper] [Code]

Temporally smooth online action detection using cycle-consistent future anticipation

Young Hwi Kim, Seonghyeon Nam, and Seon Joo Kim

Pattern Recognition, Volume 116, August 2021, 107954.

[Paper] [Code]

Teaching machines to understand baseball games: Large-scale baseball video database for multiple video understanding tasks

Minho Shim*, Young Hwi Kim*, Kyungmin Kim*, Seon Joo Kim

(*equal contribution)

ECCV 2018

[Paper] [Project Page]