My code

One element of publishing that I deem important is to present results that are reproducible. This makes sharing knowledge easier and can reduce bias in published materials. Therefore, I would like to share my code on this webpage and explain how my published results can be reproduced.

A mixed bond and equity fund model for the valuation of variable annuities

The R code to estimate the different components of our model is available in the following zip file:

Maximum likelihood estimation of the Markov-switching GARCH model

There are three files that you need to download to reproduce the results in that paper:

  1. MS_garch_MLE_instructions.txt provides instructions to reproduce the results.

  2. includes all the necessary code. The code is written to work with R 2.15.0, but it should be compatible with later versions of R as well.

  3. provides the output that can be generated with my code.