School Support Resources

Curated by the School-based Mental Health and Wellness Program at the Siskiyou County Office of Education

Please reach out to the School Based Mental Health and Wellness Program with any questions, suggestions, or information about local resources and events for educators and families.


Helping Youth Succeed

A Resource for Families, Teachers and the Community

Check out this amazing resource guide, compiled by the Siskiyou County Office of Education, based on the results of the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS). It is full of wonderful tools and tips to support students with physical, mental and emotional health. The guide is based around the 40 Developmental Assests, prosocial strengths and competencies that support humans to find success and fulfillment in their relationships, areas of interest, and self-esteem. The categories of the 40 Developmental Assets, presented by The Search Institute, are: 

Through cultivation and practice of these assets, students, families and educators will be better able to rise to the challenges presented to our youth today and stay connected with community and personal resources that uplift them and help them thrive!

Free Mental Health Support for all Californians

Open to Students, Parents, Caregivers, Teachers, and School Staff

The BeWellLine is a brand new option for mental health support that functions the way you might think of a hotline or warm line, but you don't need to be in an emergency situation to call this number out of the blue. 

This is an opportunity for us to get the support we need BEFORE we get to a crisis point, with the general understanding that everyone needs a little support sometimes and everyone is facing challenges in some way or another in these modern times. Many of us have it thing after another, after another, after another...when do we get to take a breath?

And when you finally have that moment to reach out to talk to someone, you end up leaving messages on 5 different voicemails around Siskiyou County before giving up and watching a funny show instead. The BeWellLine has set out to change that by making mental support free to all Californians and available 24/7 for services in the areas of emotional support, crisis assessment, goal setting, coping skills, resources, support groups, LGBTQ support, and substance use recovery

Think of it as preventative medicine--if you are just feeling that tug that talking to someone would help--or, perhaps it may the light at the end of the tunnel after a period of waiting to take this step in persevering through challenges. 

BeWellLine Flyer.pdf