PHE Handbook


The aims of all MYP subjects state what a teacher may expect to teach and what a student may expect to experience and learn. These aims suggest how the student may be changed by the learning experience. The aims of MYP physical and health education are to encourage and enable students to:

• use inquiry to explore physical and health education concepts

• participate effectively in a variety of contexts

• understand the value of physical activity

• achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle

• collaborate and communicate effectively

• build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility

• reflect on their learning experiences.


The objectives of MYP physical and health education encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive dimensions of knowledge. Each objective is elaborated by a number of strands; a strand is an aspect or indicator of the learning expectation.

Together these objectives reflect the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students need in order to develop an active and healthy life; they represent essential aspects of physical, personal and social development.

A. Knowing and understanding:

Students develop knowledge and understanding about health and physical activity in order to identify and solve problems.

In order to reach the aims of physical and health education, students should be able to:

i. explain physical health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge

ii. apply physical and health education knowledge to analyse issues and solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations

iii. apply physical and health terminology effectively to communicate understanding

B. Planning for performance

Students through inquiry design, analyse, evaluate and perform a plan in order to improve performance in physical and health education.

In order to reach the aims of physical and health education, students should be able to:

i. design, explain and justify plans to improve physical performance and health.

ii. analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a plan based on the outcome.

C. Applying and performing

Students develop and apply practical skills, techniques, strategies and movement concepts through their participation in a variety of physical activities

. In order to reach the aims of physical and health education, students should be able to:

i. demonstrate and apply a range of skills and techniques effectively.

ii. demonstrate and apply a range of strategies and movement concepts.

iii. analyse and apply information to perform effectively

D. Reflecting and improving performance

Students enhance their personal and social development, set goals, take responsible action and reflect on their performance and the performance of others.

In order to reach the aims of physical and health education, students should be able to:

i. explain and demonstrate strategies that enhance interpersonal skills.

ii. develop goals and apply strategies to enhance performance .

iii. analyse and evaluate performance.

Key Concept

Key concepts promote interdisciplinary understanding. They represent big ideas that are both within and across disciplines and subjects.

The MYP has chosen 16 key concepts to be explored across all subjects, but 4 have been identified as the framework for physical and health education. As your focus for the year, these concepts will inform units of work and help to organize teaching and learning. Unit of study will focus on one to two key concepts and each concept should be addressed at least once in the duration of the course.

The key concepts contributed by the study of physical and health education are change, communication and relationships.

These key concepts provide a framework for PHE.

  1. Change

  2. Communication

  3. Relationship


Change is a conversion, transformation, or movement from one form, state or value to

another. Inquiry into the concept of change involves understanding and evaluating causes,

processes and consequences.

In many ways, physical and health education involves inquiry into change. In response to

stimuli from players and the environment, individuals and teams change strategies and

tactics. Change is an essential aspect of human development, and adolescents are acutely

aware of their changing bodies and abilities. Physical and health education courses can

help to foster positive personal, social, emotional, mental and physical change that can

lead to more balanced, healthy lives.


Communication is the exchange or transfer of signals, facts, ideas and symbols. It requires a

sender, a message and an intended receiver. Communication involves the activity of

conveying information or meaning. Effective communication requires a common

“language” (which may be written, spoken or non-verbal).

Physical and health education requires students to utilize, create, adapt and understand a

variety of strategic communication tools. Communication within this subject relies on a

strong connection between form and function. Students will understand that

communication is not simply about giving and receiving information, but also how that

information is transferred. Communication is an essential part of all personal and social

development; it helps people to understand themselves, others and the world around them.


Relationships are the connections and associations between properties, objects, people and

ideas— including the human community’s connections with the world in which we live. Any

change in relationship brings consequences—some of which may occur on a small scale,

while others may be far reaching, affecting large networks and systems like human societies

and the planetary ecosystem.

In physical and health education, the concept of relationship offers opportunities to explore

the connections human beings need in order to function and interact effectively. Through

physical and health education, students will develop and reflect on a wide variety of

personal and social relationships in which they can assess and develop their interpersonal


Other key concepts can also be important in physical and health education. For example,

connections emphasize personal opportunities and risks related to people, places,

communities, climate and cultures. The connection between physical activity, physical

education and health is also critical. Form is evident in all aspects of sport and dance. Logic

underpins reflective activities in both physical education and health: players and performers

use logic (including scientific thinking) to analyse, evaluate and improve performance.

Related Concept

Related concepts promote deep learning. They are grounded in specific disciplines and are useful for exploring key concepts in greater detail. Inquiry into related concepts helps students develop more complex and sophisticated conceptual understanding. Related concepts may arise from the subject matter of a unit or the craft of a subject—its features and processes.

Adaptation Energy Refinement

Balance Environment Function

Choice Interaction Movement

Perspectives Space Systems

Global Context

Global contexts direct learning towards an independent and shared inquiry into our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet. Using the world as the broadest context for learning, MYP design can develop meaningful explorations of:

  • identities and relationships

  • orientation in space and time

  • personal and cultural expression

  • scientific and technical innovation

  • globalization and sustainability

  • fairness and development.

ATL Skills

It is widely known that the development of transdisciplinary skills are just as important in education as learning in specific subjects.

The transdisciplinary skills that empower students to be successful in school, education and beyond, are known as Approaches to Learning (ATL).

There are five broad categories of skills, which can be broken down into ten more specific categories of ATL skills. Through subject lessons, as well as the Advisory Program, students will learn and practice different strategies for developing these skills.

Service As Action

Action (learning by doing and experiencing) is a key component in constructivist models of education,

including the kind of teaching and learning common to all IB programmes. Service, as a subset of action, has

always been a shared value of the IB community. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community

who demonstrate a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of

others and to the environment. IB World Schools value service with others as an important way to engage in

principled action across a range of overlapping local and global communities. Through responsible action,

tightly connected with sustained inquiry and critical reflection, young people and adults can develop the

kinds of attributes described by the learner profile that are essential for success in future academic pursuits

and for adult life .

Action in the MYP builds upon the action initiated in the PYP and continues as an essential component of

the learning process, both as part of the programme’s educational philosophy and as a practical outcome

of students’ learning. The MYP aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging

sense of self and their developmentally appropriate responsibility in their community. In the IB continuum,

this continues with the service component of the DP’s community, action, service (CAS) requirements, in

which students continue to increase their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth, undertake

new challenges, plan and initiate activities, work collaboratively with others, show perseverance and

commitment, engage with locally and globally significant challenges and consider the ethical implications

of their actions.

As students become more aware and acquire a better understanding of the context, and of their

responsibilities, they become empowered to make choices about how to take thoughtful and positive

action. This action will be different from student to student and from context to context. The action may

involve students in:

• feeling empathy towards others

• making small-scale changes to their behaviour

• undertaking larger and more significant projects

• acting on their own

• acting collaboratively

• taking physical action

• suggesting modifications to an existing system to the benefit of all involved

• lobbying people in more influential positions to act.

Curriculum Overview

PHE MYP-1 Course Overview 2021-22.pdf

PHE MYP-2 Course Overview 2021-22.pdf

PHE MYP-3Course Overview 2021-22.pdf

Assessment Criteria

Assessment for physical and health education courses in all years of the program is criterion - related based on four equally weighted assessment criteria.

Assessment Samples

PHE Sample 1
PHE Sample 2
PHE Sample 3

Command Terms