
The aims of all MYP subjects state what a teacher may expect to teach and what a student may expect to

experience and learn. These aims suggest how the student may be changed by the learning experience.

The aims of MYP arts are to encourage and enable students to:

• create and present art

• develop skills specific to the discipline

• engage in a process of creative exploration and (self-)discovery

• make purposeful connections between investigation and practice

• understand the relationship between art and its contexts

• respond to and reflect on art

• deepen their understanding of the world.


The objectives of any MYP subject group state the specific targets that are set for learning in the subject.

They define what the student will be able to accomplish as a result of studying the subject.

The objectives of MYP arts encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive dimensions of


Schools must use the objectives provided in this guide for years 1, 3 and 5 of the programme.

Each objective is elaborated by a number of strands; a strand is an aspect or indicator of the learning


Subject groups must address all strands of all four objectives at least twice in each year of the MYP.

Key Concept

Key concepts promote the development of a broad curriculum. They represent big ideas that are both

relevant within and across disciplines and subjects. Inquiry into key concepts can facilitate connections

between and among:

• courses within the arts subject group (intra-disciplinary learning)

• other subject groups (interdisciplinary learning).


Aesthetics deals with the characteristics, creation, meaning and perception of beauty and taste. The study

of aesthetics develops skills for the critical appreciation and analysis of art, culture and nature.

In the arts, the concept of aesthetics is perceived differently around the world and across cultures. Aesthetics

does not only address the rules and principles of beauty but should also include cultural perspectives and

perception through the senses.


Change is a conversion, transformation or movement from one form, state or value to another. Inquiry into

the concept of change involves understanding and evaluating causes, processes and consequences.

The arts may be a reflection of change, or an inspiration for change. Change may be considered as external

to the arts or incorporated within an artwork. In the arts, change can also be termed as metamorphosis or

transformation—a marked change, in appearance, form, nature or character.


Communication is the exchange or transfer of signals, facts, ideas and symbols. It requires a sender, a

message and an intended receiver. Communication involves the activity of conveying information or

meaning. Effective communication requires a common “language” (which may be written, spoken or nonverbal).

Communication is often regarded in the arts as a message between the artist and an audience, or between

performers. Without intended communication the arts become solely self-expressive.


Identity is the state or fact of being the same. It refers to the particular features that define individuals,

groups, things, eras, places, symbols and styles. Identity can be observed, or it can be constructed, asserted,

and shaped by external and internal influences.

In the arts we often explore the self and self-discovery through the concept of identity; however, identity

may also refer to the identity of a genre, style, movement, particular artist or place.

Other key concepts can also be important in arts. Creativity, culture, form, perspective, relationships, as

well as time, place and space, are all key concepts easily applied in arts units of study.

Global Context

Global contexts direct learning towards independent and shared inquiry into our common humanity and

shared guardianship of the planet. Using the world as the broadest context for learning, MYP arts can

develop meaningful explorations of:

• identities and relationships

• orientation in space and time

• personal and cultural expression

• scientific and technical innovation

• globalization and sustainability

• fairness and development.


Approaches to learning

All MYP units of work offer opportunities for students to develop and practise approaches to learning (ATL)

skills. These skills provide valuable support for students working to meet the subject group’s aims and


ATL skills are grouped into five categories that span the IB continuum of international education.

IB programmes identify discrete skills in each category that can be introduced, practised and consolidated

in the classroom and beyond.

While ATL skills are relevant across all MYP subject groups, teachers may also identify ATL skill indicators

especially relevant for, or unique to, a particular subject group or course.

Service and Action

Action (learning by doing and experiencing) is a key component in constructivist models of education,

including the kind of teaching and learning common to all IB programmes. Service, as a subset of action, has

always been a shared value of the IB community. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community

who demonstrate a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of

others and to the environment. IB World Schools value service with others as an important way to engage in

principled action across a range of overlapping local and global communities. Through responsible action,

tightly connected with sustained inquiry and critical reflection, young people and adults can develop the

kinds of attributes described by the learner profile that are essential for success in future academic pursuits

and for adult life .

Action in the MYP builds upon the action initiated in the PYP and continues as an essential component of

the learning process, both as part of the programme’s educational philosophy and as a practical outcome

of students’ learning. The MYP aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging

sense of self and their developmentally appropriate responsibility in their community. In the IB continuum,

this continues with the service component of the DP’s community, action, service (CAS) requirements, in

which students continue to increase their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth, undertake

new challenges, plan and initiate activities, work collaboratively with others, show perseverance and

commitment, engage with locally and globally significant challenges and consider the ethical implications

of their actions.

As students become more aware and acquire a better understanding of the context, and of their

responsibilities, they become empowered to make choices about how to take thoughtful and positive

action. This action will be different from student to student and from context to context. The action may

involve students in:

• feeling empathy towards others

• making small-scale changes to their behaviour

• undertaking larger and more significant projects

• acting on their own

• acting collaboratively

• taking physical action

• suggesting modifications to an existing system to the benefit of all involved

• lobbying people in more influential positions to act.

Curriculum Overview

MYP 1 Drama Overview 2023-24.pdf
MYP 2- Drama Curriculum Overview 2023-24.pdf
MYP 3 Drama Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Pdf.pdf
VA - MYP 1 (1).pdf
VA - MYP 2.pdf
VA - MYP 3.pdf
Untitled spreadsheet - Music 2 (1).pdf
Untitled spreadsheet - Music 1.pdf
Untitled spreadsheet - Music 3.pdf

Assessment , Criteria , Samples

picture composition

MYP Arts Command Terms

Command Terms-converted.pdf

Sources : -  MYP Principles into Practice

                                Arts Guide

                               Google Images