Monthly newsletter

I will post photos, important information, what we have accomplished and other useful information throughout the school year. 

     Pictured below is some of our very own Sioux Central 8th grade students.  They gladly took time out of class to attend The Clay County Fair to help teach surrounding elementary school students, including the Sioux Central Elementary 4th grade about the importance of a cell wall in plant cells.  They also showed students how to extract DNA from a strawberry.  

    In the classroom, our 8th grade is learning about DNA and mutations and how that affects an organism's physical traits.  In addition, our 6th grade is learning about the structures and functions of a cell.  Our MS students are seeing how what they learn in a classroom, can be extended and applied in future grade levels.  Great to experience and be a part of!!  More pictures of this to come.  You will be able to see the students DNA and cell models during Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please stop by and check it out!