
Study Architecture Abroad

Architecture is the study of designing structures and buildings that not only afford utility but also beauty and comfort. It distinguishes itself from other art forms in that it materialises the abstract in the form of large buildings and structures! 

About Architecture

Architecture as a field is concerned with the planning and design of structures such as buildings, homes, bridges, and even entire cities. Architects play a central role in the construction and design of any structure and must have a sound understanding of the various facets of construction. It is the responsibility of the architect to design structure creatively while keeping both resource and safety concerns in mind.

Is Architecture right for me?

Architects possess the skill-set to analyse, plan in detail, and collaborate with a diverse range of people when working on any project. A professional in this field also needs to have a creative approach towards real-world problems, as it’s important to adapt and work around problems as they might happen during the construction process. An architect also needs to visualise and detail on the map any building, home, or bridge that needs to be constructed. If you are adept at visualisation and are a scrupulous planner then the field of architecture is the right fit for you.

Career pathways for Architecture graduates

Architects have a wide range of careers to choose from once they graduate. They can apply their knowledge and enter diverse fields. 

> Building Architecture

> Interior Designer

> Town Planner

> Academia

> Urban Design