About Us

Meet the founder of Syla Technologies LCC | Simon Bacher 

Welcome to Syla Technologies LLC, where innovation meets accessibility in language learning for mobile app users worldwide. Founded by Simon Bacher, our mission is to empower language learners with intuitive and engaging tools, making the process of acquiring new languages seamless and enjoyable. By eliminating the complexities and barriers traditionally associated with language learning, we allow users to focus on their personal and professional growth.

Under the visionary leadership of Simon Bacher, and leveraging our team's collective 10-year experience in mobile app development, we are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our language learning app. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your language skills, Syla Technologies provides the resources and support necessary to navigate the language learning journey with confidence.

Join us in redefining the future of language learning through a mobile app that is secure, efficient, and fun. Welcome to Syla Technologies – where your linguistic success is our utmost priority.

"On a mission to enable everyone to learn something new every day"