English 9-1







(Or, how to succeed in English, keep your sanity, and avoid summer school!)




Mr. Mud’s Rules for the Road

My Great Expectations: follow all Academic Setting Expectations as well as the ones listed below


* You are expected to arrive on time and be in your seat when the bell rings.  See the school tardy policy on page 23 in the Simsbury High School Student / Parent Handbook.  If the bell rings and you are not in the room, you are tardy.  (Responsible) 


* I expect you to be prepared for class with the materials you will need for the day.  I would rather not send you to your locker during class.  If you come to class unprepared three or more times, you will be issued a book detention that must be served the following day. (Responsible) 


* I believe in Total Quality and expect each of you to work to the full level of your ability.  Assignments that are not done to the best of your ability will be handed back ungraded for improvement.  You will be given every reasonable opportunity to present your best work, and I will support you with help sessions if you request them. (Responsible) 


* Academic Integrity:

Honesty and integrity are among the most highly regarded and respected values of the Simsbury High School

community. Students are expected to rely upon their own resources and efforts in order to complete coursework.

Cheating is a violation of this standard and includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Unauthorized use of prepared materials or information prior to or during testing;

2. Copying another person’s homework, class work, research paper, or test; or allowing another to

copy your work;

3. Turning in someone else’s work as your own, which includes the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI);

4. Securing the questions/tasks for a test or other graded assignment that has been previously given

to other students;

5. Plagiarism—failing to use sufficient documentation when using materials from print or electronically

generated sources; and

6. Unauthorized use of teacher materials, accessed from desk, files, or computer


1. Parents/guardians, school counseling department, and administrators will be notified of the

incident referrals.

2. Student may receive a zero for any work in which cheating has occurred.

3. The student may jeopardize his/her eligibility for awards and recognition offered by Simsbury High

School (including National Honor Society).

4. A student may face disciplinary consequences from the school including, but not limited to, suspension.


Mr. Mudano -- 9-1 Google Drive Requirement


To foster an effective system for learning, students are required to originate and complete all of their English writing assignments using their school Google account. Doing so allows me, as your teacher, the ability to see each step of your writing process, both to support areas of needed growth and to protect against plagiarism. Thus, only work that has been created in the student’s Google Classroom account, following all teacher required writing process steps (in order), and submitted to Turnitin.com for final draft, will be graded.


If a student submits a final draft with no supporting documentation in the school Google account, they will not earn credit for that assignment. Thus, they should not begin assignments on home computers (unless logged into their school account), use other platforms for writing, or attempt to skip steps of the writing process to save time. Much of the writing process is done in class, so students can receive support in real time.


Absence/Make-up Work


* Reading and/or literature quizzes: If you are absent on the day of a quiz, you must make it up on the day that you return.  If you are absent for more than two days, you must see me the day that you return to set up a schedule for making them up.  I will give you every opportunity to succeed, but any quizzes or work that is not made up in a timely fashion will adversely affect your grade. (Responsible) 


*The work in this class is assigned with a specific purpose and if you are absent and don’t make up an assignment in a reasonable period of time, it is no longer serving that purpose and will be assessed as a zero.


* You need to let me know ahead of time if you have more than two major assignments due on a specific day so I can make adjustments. (Responsible) 


*If you are absent on the day that something is due, but are in school the next day (and we do not meet as a class) I still expect to receive the work that day.


* Papers and Written Assignments: If you are in school on the day that a written assignment is due, it must be handed in that day.  I expect to receive all assignments during the class period.  Have everything printed before class! (Responsible) 


* Late Assignments: I expect all assignments to be handed in on time. However, if you are unable to complete a homework assignment, please email me the night before it is due AND see me before 7:30 and explain why the assignment has not been completed.  I might let you hand it in late (with a penalty) depending upon the nature of the assignment. (Responsible) 


Regarding writing assignments:  Up to a ten-point penalty will be assessed for each day an essay is late.




Mr. Mudano                      English                   2023-2024


This is Ninth Grade English!

Welcome to grade 9 English.  In this class you are expected to carefully read and reflect on the assigned texts; devote time to revising and reflecting on your writing; and study and apply vocabulary terms and grammar concepts into your work.  You are also expected to be prepared for class and participate in a meaningful way in every class.



Unit 1: Introduction to Genre

·         Why does a reader have to understand the specific characteristics of different genres?

·         How does the form chosen by an author accomplish his/her purpose?

·         How do authors use the resources of language to impact an audience?

·         How does studying authors’ writing help me develop my own craft?

Texts will include a variety of short stories and poems from the Glencoe Literature anthology as well as The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho,


Unit 2: The Quest

·         What inspires individuals to embark on journeys?  

·         What is more important, fulfilling the quest or making the journey?  

·         How does literature shape or reflect society and culture?

Texts may include: The Odyssey by Homer and This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger


Unit 3: Coming of Age

·         What turning points determine our individual pathways to adulthood?

·         How can a single event have the power to transform our lives?

·         How does reading about a coming-of-age experience foster self-awareness and promote maturity?

·         Which is better, innocence or experience?

Texts may include: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte OR Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, Speak by Jodi Picoult and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare



Vocabulary will be taken directly from the works that we will be reading.  The list includes the required word as well as its definition and part of speech and usually the chapter where it is located.  These words will be incorporated into the assignments that you do in and out of class. You will be given quizzes periodically on the vocab lists.



Each of you will complete a variety of writing assignments over the course of the school year. Types of writing will include Narrative, Informative, and Literary Analysis

Written pieces must be submitted to www.turnitin.com .  You must also bring a hard copy of your paper to class on the day it is due.


         Each assignment will have specific criteria that must be followed.  Failure to do so will adversely affect the grade that you earn on the assignment.  Rubrics will be used to assess most writing assignments.         

         You will write in and out of class.  I encourage you to have peers or family help you with grammar issues or spelling, but all writing assignments should reflect your ability to write.  Remember the Academic Integrity Policy!

         I suggest that you see me any time that you have any questions about your writing.





         We will use “Comma Rules” to help you to vary your sentence structure.  I will address individual grammar problems in your writing, and we will also complete short units as a class to improve and deepen your understanding of the subject.



Independent Reading

         I will not require Independent Reading to start the year, but that might change.  Of course, I encourage you to read on your own as much as you can!


Homework/Quizzes/Exams/Syllabi/Assignment Pad

         You should expect to have homework every night -- give or take a night or two.  I will check your homework on a daily basis.  Always remember a heading! 

         You will be quizzed on work done in class and the previous night’s reading.  Not all quizzes will be announced, but if you have a reading assignment plan on a brief quiz for the following day.  I generally drop one or possibly two of your lowest quiz grades at the end of each quarter.  All written responses including quizzes must follow the rules of grammar.  Penalties will be assessed for poor basic grammar.

         Essays and/or some other form of final assessment will be assigned at the end of each major unit.  These will be announced, and you will have plenty of time to complete and prepare for them.

         In addition to the daily posts (which state what we are doing and the homework for the next class) on the Stream on Classroom and on my white board, I will try to provide a syllabus for each unit.  This will allow you to plan ahead and work around your busy schedules.  I understand how busy many of you are, but please remember that your number one focus is academics. If you notice a conflict of some kind with a due-date, please see me early so we can try to work around it.  Always write down nightly assignments.



         You will generate a large volume of work, and it is imperative that you keep it organized.  My suggestion is a three-ring binder dedicated solely to this class.  This will allow you to easily organize your homework, quizzes, packets and any other materials that are handed out to you.  Keep everything that I hand back since it is your only record of your progress in class.



I suggest that you to take notes on the works of literature that we read and during class – it will help you to better understand and retain the information.  It is also a skill that you will need to master to be successful in high school and college.  If you take reading notes, you will be given 5 bonus points on your reading check quiz.  I will ask to examine your notes if you seem to be struggling with reading checks and reserve the right refuse you the bonus points if I do not feel that you have put in a good faith effort.



“Office Hours”

I am located in room 217, and I am there during the morning from about 6:00 a.m. to the end of the day.  Drop in or make an appointment.  If you stop in, I will always try to accommodate you.  If you come to see me and I am not in my room, please leave me a note.

I encourage you to see me in the morning if there is ever anything that you read but did not understand.  I can answer your questions, clarify the reading, and you will show me that you care about the class.  You will also do well on the quiz you will have that day.


Hats/Hoods/Eating/Drinking/Electronics/Your area

You can wear hats as long as I can see your face.  You cannot wear hats during presentations.  If I ask you to remove your hat, you are expected to do so – bad hair day or not...  You are not allowed to wear a hood in my classroom – join a monastery if you want to wear a hood.


You may not eat in class unless you have an accommodation.  You may drink water in class as long as you are not disruptive.  Keep it off of your desk.  The custodial staff is stretched to their limit, and we do not want to make more work for them by spilling Gatorade, juice, coffee, etc.


All electronic devices are to be silenced and placed in the phone tree once you enter my room.  If I see you with any type of electronic device in my room, you will be written up – the phone tree is your warning.  You will not be allowed to take your phone with you if you leave the room during the class period.  Air pods and ear buds must also be removed once you reach your seat.  And as I said, if you need to send a text to a parent, just ask. This does not apply to any student who has an accommodation. 


Pick up all papers (even if they are not yours), do not write on your desk, and leave the area around your desk neat and clean. 


Written Assignment Format


* We will use the MLA format. Your name, my name, your section and the assignment, and the date (written 29 August 2023)


* Write as legibly as possible.  Do not cram as much as you can onto one page.  The easier it is for me to read, the more likely you are to receive the credit that you deserve.  If you have poor penmanship like I do, please type!


* Always use ink unless you only have a pencil.  Always leave margins,


* On second drafts, journals, and other papers of significance, use one side of the paper only.

Please note: The above stated requirements are meant to help keep us organized.  If you fail to follow these directions, you will be asked to rewrite the assignment.  Please don’t make extra work for yourself!  Follow the directions the first time. Responsible/Respectful/Honorable



Homework: The homework will either be graded on the number of correct answers or using the following scale.


The student showed an excellent understanding of the assignment, fulfilled all criteria of the assignment, and prepared the assignment practically error free.  The assignment showed an outstanding effort.  numerical = 90 - 100


The student showed a good understanding of the assignment, fulfilled almost all of the criteria of the assignment, and prepared the assignment reasonably error free.  The assignment showed a commendable effort. numerical = 80-89


The student showed an adequate understanding of the assignment, fulfilled some of the criteria of the assignment, and prepared the assignment and it was generally error free.  The assignment showed an adequate effort. numerical = 70-79


The student showed a less than adequate understanding of the assignment, fulfilled few of the criteria of the assignment, and prepared the assignment in a careless manner.  The assignment showed inconsistent effort.  Numerical = 60-69


The student did not complete the assignment or the assignment is inadequate in all respects.  The assignment showed little or no effort.  Numerical = 59 or lower


Class Discussions

You will be expected to participate in class discussions.  You will have time to prepare for them and will have ample time to participate.  You will be graded on the quality of your preparation, on the quality of the notes that you take, on the number of times that you meaningfully participate in the actual discussion, and on your Lingering Question and New Understanding.  I will grade your notes and prep and keep track of the number of times that you participate.


Try to participate at least once during the discussion and take effective notes. 


I use a scale to determine your final discussion grade.  If you earn a 98 on your notes and prep and participate 3X, you will earn a 98; if you participate 2X, you will earn a 93; if you participate 1X, you will earn an 88; and if you do not participate at all, you will earn a 78.  So, keep two things in mind: 1. It is important to thoughtfully prepare and take effective notes, and 2. Say something meaningful and relevant during each discussion.  If there is less than a full class period, this all gets scaled.





Level I, Grade 9 Class Participation

Class participation will be twenty percent of your grade.  All students are expected to be active members of the class.  The criteria are as follows.


An “A” or “Outstanding” student


A “B” or “Very Good” student



A “C” or “Adequate” student


A “D-F” or “Inadequate” student


Note:   Room 217 is a “like” and “uhm, yeah”-free zone!






Your Grade


During each quarter you will complete different types of assignments that will make up your grade.  The types and percentages are as follows:




In order to calculate your final grade for each quarter, each grade is weighted based on the time and rigor of the assignment.  I usually determine the exact weight of major assignments at the end of the quarter.  This allows me to consider how much time was spent on each assignment and to weight it accordingly.  This also allows the flexibility to weight assignments that were successful more heavily.  I also drop a low reading-check grade and also reserve the right to add a point to each student’s grade at the end of the quarter.  Please remember that the final grade is the one that appears on the report card.


Keep in mind that this is a genre course and that you are expected to read.  If you don’t, you will not be able to reach your full potential.



You all have the potential to succeed in this class, and you can and should choose to do your best.  I will do everything in my power to help you reach that potential. If you make the effort, you will reap the rewards -- a good education and something no one else can give you -- self-respect.



Trojan Code:

I strongly encourage all of my students to adhere to The Trojan Code. 


GOALS:  As your teacher, I have three goals for you this year in English class:

I post daily lessons on the Stream every morning and I post any homework assignments on Classwork.