Summer Reading

Welcome to the Summer Reading Website!

From the main menu, choose a tab corresponding to the grade you are entering to access the lists of book selections.

Unless you have had your upcoming English teacher approve a personal selection (see Alternate Selection Form below), all selections must come from the pre-approved list.

You must print and sign the pledge form below and submit this to your English teacher upon request the first week of school.

There will be a quiz and/or a project stemming from your summer reading selections.

**Disclaimer: Not all titles on this list are considered Christian literature; we select titles using recommended reading lists for secondary students based on literature they might experience later in their classes or be expected to have a working knowledge of upon entering college. We ask that parents partner with their students in selecting titles that are appropriate for them. Some books may contain violence, vulgarity, or sensitive subject matter.

New/Transfer Students:

If students are accepted on or before July 15, all summer

reading is still mandated for the start of school.

Students accepted after this date are only required to read the required book for the grade.

Summer School Students:

Students who are required to do two or more summer school

classes (these are classes due to failing grades, not selected virtual courses!) are exempt from the personal selection.

The required book for your grade is still mandated by the start of school.

Summer Reading Forms:

Summer Reading Alternate Selection Form

Google Form to be sent first week in August by English teacher (High School)

Summer Reading Pledge Form (Middle School)