Creatively Engaging the Diaspora: SIL Diaspora Services

In 2022, research indicated that approximately 300 million people were part of global migration, the worldwide diaspora. Because of modern technology, people who leave their homeland can, remarkably, remain closely connected to their family and home language. Providentially, this massive movement of peoples around the world may provide a brilliant answer to the challenge of making scripture available in every language–a foundational goal of SIL. SIL Global Diaspora Services can work alongside the diaspora, in their new country, to support the translation of the Bible into their homeland language.

Your financial support enables Global Diaspora Services to deliver language-specific research, advocacy, and technical expertise to help people who have no churches and no Bible in their language. Your support helps us creatively and intentionally engage diaspora communities and learn where God is already at work so that someday people everywhere will be able to read the Bible in their own language.