Computer Graphics

Course : Second Half of 2021

Course Name: Computer Graphics

Course Code: CSC305

Course Objectives

1 To equip students with the fundamental knowledge and basic technical competence in the field of Computer Graphics.

2 To emphasize on implementation aspect of Computer Graphics Algorithms.

3 To prepare the student for advance areas and professional avenues in the field of Computer Graphics.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students should be able to

1 Describe the basic concepts of Computer Graphics.

2 Demonstrate various algorithms for basic graphics primitives.

3 Apply 2-D geometric transformations on graphical objects.

4 Use various Clipping algorithms on graphical objects.

5 Explore 3-D geometric transformations, curve representation techniques and projections methods.

6 Explain visible surface detection techniques and Animation.

Course Plan: Theory Session Plan.

Lab Session Plan

Test Papers: Unit Test 1

Unit Test 2

Assignments: Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Lab Manual of CG

Course Material:

Chapter 1:Introduction to CG

Chapter 2: Output Primitives

Filled Area Primitives

Chapter 3: 2D Transformations

Chapter 4 : 2 D Viewing & Clipping

Chapter 5 : 3 Transformations

Chapter 6 : Visible Surface Detection

3 D Projections

Bezier Curve

Video Lectures:

Parallel Projection

Persepective Projection

Bezier Curves

Course : First Half of 2020

Course Name: Computer Graphics

Course Code: CSc 404

Course Plan: Theory Session Plan

Lab Session Plan

Test Papers: Unit Test 1

Assignments: Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment No.4

Course Material:

Notes: Visible Surface Detection

Illumination Model

3 D Projections

Bezier Curve

Video Lectures:

Parallel Projection

Persepective Projection

Bezier Curves