CLEO Introduction
What is CLEO?
CLEO, short for Cleopatra is a detector used at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR), which is used to analyze electron-positron collisions generated by the 10 GeV CESR storage ring. First made in the 1979, CLEO detector has undergone through many upgrades throughout the years and have made many discoveries. It has had many upgrades and modifications throughout its history. It is currently being operated by over 100 physicists from many institutions.
The detector itself is about 6 meters on a side, containing about 900,000 kilograms of iron and over 25,000 individual detection elements. The figure above is a side view cross-section of the detector, with the electron-positron beam passing through the center of the detector. The electron and positron beams collide and annihilate in the center of the detector, producing new, sometimes exotic and unfamiliar, matter--particularly b quarks. Most final state particles created in the collision pass through the beam pipe and enter the detector, though some particles travel along the beam pipe and thus escape detection.
How to work with data from CLEO
A walk through of the data format and how to use the provided python tools.
Need a Helping Hand with the CLEO D mesons Experiment?
Don't see the particles you want to see?
There are many factors that you should need to take into account in order to filter out the noise from the data
You need to make sure that you filter out collisions with the wrong charge combinations. In quantum mechanics, charge is conserved. Therefore, the parent particle and all the decay particles combined should lead to the same charge. Therefore, when looking at K-pi+pi+ final st at, make sure that the pions have the same charge and that they are opposite of the kaon charge.
Combinations of K and pi particles in the result
In the result, you need to account for all the combinations of K and pi particles. For example, in the result of a collisions, if they are 2 Kaons and 3 pions, since we can only see the results of interactions, we need to take into account all combinations of how the D mesons parent particle could be made (You need to take all combinations of one kaons and two pions from the results you get from collisions).
Not know what you're looking for?
Pls look up the value of D mesons and change the ranges of the graph to look around that area in to see a spike against the local environment
Don't know how to access the data in h5hep?
Pls refer to the "The Data Format and How to Interface with the Data!" Video and the "Data Interfacing Tutorial!" below the video in the Documentations and Help page
See a massive spike in the beginning of the graph?
That is not a particle, that is just the random trend of particles. Since massive particles decay into smaller and smaller in the, there are more lower energy-momentum that is shown in a particle than higher end. Therefore, we need to look at the spikes going against the trend. Therefore, zoom in to see any spikes that goes against the local trend of the particles. It may seem small but it is indeed a particle.