Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Besides Venus, our other planetary neighbor is Mars! Over the past decades, the United States has sent a number of satellites and rovers to explore the red planet, in the hopes of one day sending a group of astronauts to explore Mars in person. One of those satellites is the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

A small MRO is shown flying over the large curve of Mars. The satellite has a satellite "head" with two solar power panel "arms".

This still from a NASA animation shows the MRO orbiting Mars.

Photo Credit: NASA/JPL Caltech

A closeup of the MRO flying over Mars. The satellite has a satellite "head" with two solar power panel "arms".

An artist's rendering of the MRO in flight.

Photo Credit: NASA/JPL

When was the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) launched?

The MRO was launched on August 12, 2005 and reached Mars on March 10, 2006. The MRO is still orbiting Mars and sending back data to scientists on Earth!

What is the MRO's mission?

The MRO was launched in order to study the climate, atmosphere and geology on Mars, search for signs of water both past and present, and provide images detailing potential future landing sites for Mars rovers and larger spacecrafts.

What kinds of instruments does the MRO have onboard? How do they help us learn about Mars?

The MRO has three cameras (the High Resolution Imaging Science Equipment, the Context Camera, and the Mars Color Imager), two spectrometers (the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars, and the Mars Climate Sounder), and a radar (Shallow Subsurface Radar) onboard. These instruments retrieve data in different ways and helps scientists create an accurate picture of the geology and climate of Mars.

A graphic shows the MRO flying over Mars. The planet is colored in different ways to demonstrate the different wave lengths the MRO is receiving data in.

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Instruments

Different tools on the MRO collect different types of data about Mars, helping us learn more about its climate, atmosphere, and geography.

Photo credit: NASM

A small dust cloud is shown in motion over red ridges. The dust cloud is a landslide seen from the top.

This picture captured an active ice and rock landslide plunging down a 1,640 foot tall cliff (upper left hand corner). How do you think this affects the terrain?

Photo Credit: NASA

The image shows sand dunes shaped like a snake.

Strong winds on Mars' surface build and shift sand dunes. How do you think wind directions affect the shape of these dunes?

Photo Credit: NASA

The image shows deep gouges along the wall of a crater. The start wide and get narrow as they move down.

In the past, water streaming down the sides of a crater formed deep gullies before sinking into the surface and freezing. What is this process called?

Photo Credit: NASA

The image shows different colors of ridges in the martian rock.

In this picture you can see eroded layers of bedrock on Mars surface. The different colors in the picture show different compositions. If the erosion continues, what do you think will happen?

Photo Credit: NASA

How do these images help us learn about Mars?

Analyzing these images helps scientists determine how weathering, erosion, and deposition happen on other planets and under different climate conditions. By comparing pictures of the same location weeks, months, or years apart, scientists can see how the surface of Mars changes over time.

What do these images tell us about the terrain on Mars?

These images show the large variety of terrains and geological features on the surface of Mars. The planet has sand dunes, cliffs, craters, gullies, plains, and glaciers. Through these pictures, we can see how that land is formed or changed by wind, water, landslides, impacts, and more! We can also learn about how these different surfaces interact with the climate and atmosphere of Mars.

Watch this video to learn more about how satellite images of Mars helps scientists learn about its climate and terrain!