Apollo 11 Mission

For All humankind

The Soviets sent the first person into space on April 12, 1961. President John F. Kennedy challenged our nation “to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to earth.” It took eight years and three NASA programs - Mercury, Gemini and Apollo – to get the United States to The Moon.


On the next page is the Virtual Breakout Room Challenge, you can start with any of the challenges, once you have solved that challenge use this page to navigate to another.

Each challenge has questions that MUST be answered correctly to finish. In addition there is a bonus question to test your knowledge of human spaceflight programs. In the event that you run into issues you have been provided two hint cards. If you need a hint, turn in one of your Hint Cards to an intern. If your group completes all of the challenges a prize awaits. You have 45:00 minutes to breakout. Good Luck!

Virtual Breakout Room