Stimson National Junior Honor Society

Classroom Link

NJHS Google Classroom

To join the NJHS Google Classroom, please email- or - for the classroom code

Current NJHS Officers:

President: Abigail Liclican

Vice President:  Charlotte Brosnan

Secretary:  Ava Campagna

Treasurer:  Ryan Nodell

Important Information for Stimson NJHS Members:

Community Service Opportunities:

Check google classroom for opportunities and sign up using the google form

Application for Stimson National Junior Honor Society

Application into the Stimson National Junior Honor Society is by invitation only.  Students who have a cumulative average of a 90.0 during their attendance at Stimson are eligible to apply for admittance into the NJHS.  Letters are sent out after the 2nd quarter to all eligible students.  In order to apply, students must complete 10 hours of community service and be involved in community and school activities.  Please click on the link for specific qualifications.      Stimson Middle School NJHS Qualifications

Application Packets will be due in April- information will be presented at the information meeting in March

All applications must be submitted on NJHS Application google classroom with attached documentation of at least 10 hours of community service.