Audio Music


Audio Music is a multi-media exploration experience. What does that mean? In our class we fuse together music, graphic design, and video production to create presentations and projects. We will be using various forms of technology and apps, including Garage Band, Soundtrap,Google Drawing, WeVideo, and Canon cameras, to create an end product. We navigate through new programs/tools as well, to find what works best for us.  

Some of the projects we’ve worked on in the past have included: composing ringtones, remixes for the Kindness Challenge, creating Emojis and their sound effects, writing scripts and filming short scenes, logo design and jingle writing, and an advertising unit. We always share our final projects with each other, giving positive and constructive feedback. Developing communication skills and building a strong community in our class is important for us to grow and learn. You also have opportunities to take photos and videos for our school concerts and special activities throughout the year. 

The only supplies you need for Audio Music class are earbuds or headphones, and your charged ChromeBook.



CLASS PARTICIPATION                 30%

All assignments, project materials and guidelines, and important notices are posted on Google Classroom.