Physical Education Syllabus

Walt Whitman Physical Education Syllabus 

Supervisor of Physical Education, Health, Athletics, and Recreation: 

Mr. David Barth 631-812-3141 

Required grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 

Credit: ½ credit for each year 

Time: Full Year, alternate days 

I. Contact Information 

Mrs. Barrett: Mr. Patto: 

Mrs. Biancamano: Mr. Sherman: 

Ms. Bodenburg: Mrs. Tonna:  

Mr. Buck: Mr. Wolff: 

Ms. MacConnell: 

II. Course Descriptions 

The goal of the WWHS PE department is to reinforce and teach the basic fundamentals of various individual and team related activities as well as health and fitness activities. Our PE staff would like to give students a working knowledge of how to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. The PE program, as required by law, includes instruction to the following types of activities in sufficient variety so as to meet individual capacities, interests, and needs. All PE classes offer a unit in the fitness center to focus on proper weight training techniques and skills as well as fitness testing to measure fitness levels and growth in fitness. 

A. Personal Fitness (9-12) 

This curriculum offers students fitness based activities, individualized activities, and limited dual sports. This is geared for the students who do not have an interest in team sports but would like to explore fitness activities to improve or maintain a healthy level of fitness. Activities may include but are not limited to outdoor fitness activities, fitness walking, badminton, Pilates, cooperative games, weight training, Crossfit or circuit training, and yoga. 

B. Team Sports 1 (9-12) 

This curriculum offers students the opportunity to engage in dual and team sports with a strong emphasis on the foundational skills associated with strategy, teamwork, and the physical basics. All activities will be played at a moderate level. Activities may include but are not limited to volleyball, soccer, floor hockey, badminton, weight training, ultimate frisbee, football, and recreational games. 

C. Team Sports 2 (10-12) 

This curriculum offers students a highly competitive and physically demanding team sports class. This class will emphasize advanced skills training, rules, and complex strategies will be taught and emphasized. Activities may include but are not limited to football, basketball, softball, team handball, volleyball, soccer, and floor hockey. 

D. Lifetime Activities (10-12) 

This curriculum offers students the opportunity to engage in activities not normally associated with the other PE classes. Upperclassmen will participate in individual, dual, and team sports that are geared toward lifetime engagement. Activities may include but are not limited to archery, volleyball, circus arts, recreation games, badminton, ultimate frisbee, weight training, tennis, and golf. 

E. Yoga & Mindfulness (10-12) 

This curriculum offers students the opportunity to practice the physical poses of yoga while diving deeper into mindfulness. Each unit will be based on one of the five social emotional

learning competencies. Beginner and intermediate yoga poses will be taught along with meditation techniques and how to handle real life situations in a healthy way. 

F. Advanced Strength & Conditioning (10-12) 

This curriculum offers students the opportunity to develop healthy and safe weight lifting techniques. All aspects of weight lifting will be covered in this class, including but not limited to the use of dumbbells, barbells, machines, muscle locations, goal setting, and exercise planning. 

III. Course Materials 

A. Appropriate Clothing

Clothing is needed that covers the body from the shoulders to mid thigh. Suggested clothing includes comfortable pants or shorts and T-shirts or long sleeved shirts. 

B. Appropriate Footwear

Students need sneakers to safely participate in PE. 

C. Lockers

Students will possess a school issued PE locker as an incoming freshman and keep the same one until graduation.

D. Chromebooks

Every student possesses a school issued chromebook where they can access their PE teachers Google Site, Google Classroom, and Parent Square. Important information will be posted at these locations. Students must check regularly. 

IV. Critical Content 

The WWHS PE department fulfills the requirements for the Physical Education Learning Standards as outlined by the New York State Education Department.  Teachers aim to provide a learning environment that is modified when necessary to allow for maximum participation.  All students must successfully complete 4 years of PE to be eligible for graduation (NYS Law 135). A student will earn ½ credit for each successful year completed. By graduation, a student will have earned 2 credits of PE.  Important note: Each student’s effort and progress is NOT based upon norm reference data, but by performing their personal best each class.

V. Course Policies and Procedures 

A. The first and last 5 minutes of the period allow a student to change their clothes.  

B. There is a zero tolerance policy on bullying so please report any issues to your PE teacher. Any inappropriate behavior will be reported to the appropriate assistant principal and consequences will be given as needed. 

C. Safety first; no horseplaying.  Report all medical concerns to your PE teacher.  In the event of an injury or medical situation that results in the inability of participating in PE: 

1. A doctor’s note must be handed in to the nurse stating the problem, length of time, and/or needs of the modified program. A note becomes invalid if received two weeks after the medical issue/absences. 

2. Your PE teacher will assign written work in person, all work and assignments must be completed and submitted on time and done correctly for credit.  

D.  No electronic devices are permitted in the gym. This includes but is not limited to cell phones, headphones, airpods, etc. The presence of these devices can result in safety concerns for students. It is unlawful to make a video, record or transmit live video of another person in the locker room or restroom. LOCK THESE ITEMS UP! 

E.  Remove all jewelry to avoid injury during class. 

VI. Grading Policy 

A. Number grades are used to determine students’ grades. Infinite Campus will reflect such grades throughout the quarter; however, the report card will show a letter grade of E, P or F (Excellent, Pass, Fail). Factors taken into consideration for a student’s grade: 

1. Attendance with participation in appropriate attire 

2. Completion of assignments if given 

3. Knowledge 

4. Effort and attitude 

B. Attendance

1. The first two excused absences are not counted against the students’ grade. A note must be submitted to the attendance office that excuses the student from missing class (see school policy for further details). 

2. All absences thereafter will be worth 8 points deducted from the students’ quarter grade. In addition, all illegal absences, unprepared days, and non-participation days will result in a deduction of 8 points from a student's quarter grade. 

C. No credit will be given if clothing is inappropriate or a student does not participate. 

D. Makeups are offered every quarter to help a failing student pass. Makeups are in the form of before and after school weight room sessions and yoga on Wednesdays after school. 

1. Only excused absences can be made up. 

2. Cut classes CANNOT be made up. 

3. Unprepared/non-participation days CANNOT be made up. 

E. Failing PE… 

1. affects eligibility for co-curricular activities. 

2. results in a student needing to attend summer school (if the class is failed for the year).