Classroom Procedures


Do Now: The daily Do Now should be completed quietly and individually as soon as you walk in. At times it will count as a quiz.


Attendance: In order to succeed in this class, you must ultimately be on time and present for the entire period.


Homework: Homework will be assigned and collected daily during the Do Now period. It should be named and numbered. It should also be done neatly and completely to the best of your ability. Late homework assignments will not be accepted (except for students who are legally absent of course). All homework assignments for each unit will constitute 25% of that corresponding unit exam. 


Tests: Tests and quizzes will be based on homework as well as the work and material covered in class. Since tests will be announced at least 2 days in advance, you are expected to be present, on time and prepared for them. An unexcused absence on the day of a test will result in an automatic zero. Students with legal absences will only be allowed to make up test on the first day of return if they have a note from their parent/guardian or physician. All unit exams will only constitute 75% of the test as the HW assignments will constitute the other 25%.


Grades: Your grades will be based upon the following percentages:

                 Tests: 70%                              Homework: included in Tests

                 Quizzes: 15%                        Participation: 15%


Notebook/ Calculator:You are required to have a three-ring binder with a constant supply of loose leaf and graph paper that will be used for mathematics class ONLY. It should be kept neat and organized with complete notes. A working pencil and your assigned calculator will be absolutely necessary on a daily basis. On occasion, without warning, your notes will be checked or collected and counted as a quiz.


Extra Help:  Extra help will be available after school and is strongly recommended if you are having any difficulties whatsoever.